Railway Structures and Track Facilities

Code: 17454

Specialty: 273 Railway Transport

Faculty: Faculty of «Mechanical and Energy»

IEE: Ukrainian language and literature, Maths, Professional exam, History of Ukraine or Biology or Foreign language

Passing score of past years: 100

License volume / Number of budget seats: /10

Training period: 2y 10m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 13800

Training form: shortened

Training period: Bachelor (I)
on the basis of junior specialist diploma or junior bachelor diploma - 2 years 10 months / 6 semesters

Educational level: bachelor

Introduction year: 2021

Goals of the Educational Programme

Obtaining a set of knowledge, skills in design, construction, operation, maintenance of facilities and systems of urban rail electric transport, rail industrial transport and general railway transport.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

The program is addressed to applicants interested in future professional activities in the field of design, construction, operation, maintenance of facilities and systems of rail urban electric transport, rail industrial transport and general railway transport. The educational program addresses issues directly related to the design, operation of systems and facilities of rail urban electric transport, rail industrial transport, man-made structures, methods and means of quality control of construction and repair work, work performed during the current maintenance of the railway tracks. Sufficient attention in the program is paid to ensuring the safety of trains, taking into account the psychological characteristics of human perception of information and its behavior in abnormal and dangerous situations.

Professional Competences of the Educational Programme

  • skills of management of production collective, independent decision-making, development and conclusion of technical documentation are formed;
  • methods of design, repair, operation, current maintenance of the railway track, its devices and man-made structures (bridges, tunnels, pipes, earthworks, etc.), prospects of technical development of the railway industry are studied;
  • modern methods of calculation of railway track and other construction objects of railway infrastructure are studied;
  • technologies of track and construction works with the use of modern track and construction equipment are studied;
  • issues related to train safety, environmental, industrial safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection during construction, reconstruction, operation and current maintenance of the railway track and man-made structures are studied;
  • modern approaches to conducting engineering, hydrometric and engineering-geological works in the design, construction and operation of high-speed railway lines are studied.

Employment Opportunities

The bachelor under the educational program “Management of a track complex of railways, city and industrial transport” can carry out engineering and technical, engineering and technological, organizational and administrative, design and construction professional activity in the enterprises and the organizations of various patterns of ownership which are connected with designing, construction , operation, maintenance of facilities and systems of non-public and public railway transport. In particular, the future place of work may be municipal services of cities (subway, tram, road facilities), industrial enterprises, as well as structural and linear divisions of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”. Here is not a complete list of positions: road master, tunnel master, bridge master, distance master (civil structures, track distances), foreman (dismissed) for the current maintenance and repair of tracks and man-made structures, master of defectoscopy, master of production site, master defectoscopy stations, foreman (dismissed) of railway transport enterprises, foreman (dismissed) of metro enterprises, signalman and others.

Additional Information

Upon successful completion of the educational program, graduates have the right to obtain a master’s degree in specialty 273 “Railway Transport”.