Outstanding graduates

Acting rector, D.Sc. (Tech), Professor
Sergii PanchenkoDoctor of Engineering Science since 2010. He defended his doctoral thesis at the specialized scientific board of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport in specialty 05.22.20 – Operation and Repair of Vehicles. The subject of the thesis was “The Models and Methods of the Adaptive Control on the Motion Parameters of the Railway Transport Means“.
Since 2014 – Rector of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.
Scope of scientific interests: automation of technological processes on railway transport; development of methods and means of control of rolling stock locations and train traffic control.
Author of 160 scientific publications and teaching materials. Obtained 32 patents and copyright certificates.
email: info@kart.edu.ua
tel: +38 (057) 730-10-00

DSc (Chem), Professor Emeritus
Plugin Arkadiy N.Doctor of Chemical Sciences since 1989. He defended his dissertation in the specialized academic council at the Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry named after A.V. Dumansky Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, majoring in “Colloidal Chemistry”. Dissertation topic “Electroheterogeneous interactions during hardening of cement binders”.
The direction of scientific activity: development of the theory of hardening, strength and durability of building materials and structures, development of new materials and technologies on this basis.
Author of more than 320 scientific works and educational and methodological developments. Has more than 30 copyright certificates and patents.
email: plugin_am@kart.edu.ua
тел: +38 (057) 730-10-63