Material and technical support
The Department of Information Technology has created a training and research polygon for intelligent information technology for the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart machines (SM). The laboratory workshop is organized on the principle of “IoT in box”, “SM in box”, “Drone in box” (“Object in Box”). Each student is assigned a personal “Object in Box” with a recommended set of hardware and software for the duration of the bachelor’s degree. Laboratory, course and qualification works are performed on the equipment “Object in Box”. This contributes to the goal – the ability to systematically integrate digital solutions obtained during workshops on various disciplines of training. Qualification work is a hardware-software implementation of the model, which is developed component by component (within the course work and practice) by the student throughout the period of study in the bachelor’s degree.
Laboratory classes of students of the department are held in four educational laboratories, connected by the departmental local computer network with Internet access and wireless access to the departmental network, local storage and cloud services.
- Laboratory of Information Systems and Technologies;
- Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Technologies;
- Laboratory of Smart Machines and the Internet of Things;
- Laboratory of Programming of Intelligent Systems and Machines.
Laboratory equipment, such as smart machines and the Internet of Things: workstation (7 sets) ASRock FM2A58M-VG3 + (DualCore AMD A4-4000, 3000 MHz, 4 GB DDR3, CA0 SATA Disk Device, 465 Gb), OS MS Windows 7 Professional (volume license-9), Visual Studio 219 Community (free), equipment of the training and research site “IoT and smart machines” of the IT department: “SM in box” – robot on all-wheel drive chassis on Multi Chassis-4WD Robot Kit ATV version with four wheels – 7 sets; “IoT in box” – 7 sets; “Drone in box” – 2 sets. The sets include: Raspberry Ri 3 model B microprocessors, Arduino Uno microcontrollers, ESP8266, Motor shield sets, Wifi modules, ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04, infrared E18-D80Nk DC 5V, illumination BH50 sensor systems Kinect, LipMotion, OS Raspbian Stretch – full with desktop and recommended software (free), MicroPython (free).