Research work
The scientific work of the teaching staff of the department is conducted within the framework of the scientific school “Intelligent Machines”.
The scientific activity at the department is devoted to the research of the scientific direction of intellectual machines, the creation of the theory of intelligent situational machines and, on its basis, a new technology of soft processing of information.
The teachers of the department have more than a quarter century experience in the field of creating models, methods and software for automated intellectual production. Suffice it to say that the mathematical and software of one of the first in the world (1990) of the intellectual system of deserted production – a machine-shop for electroplating – was developed under the guidance of the head of the graduating department prof. Anatolii Kargin.
The SIM-technology (Situational Intellectual Machineries technology) of information processing was developed, which was applied when creating more than fifteen intelligent systems of automatic control of technical complexes. Among them: 1) a complex of programs for situational control of the galvanic coating line, which was introduced at one of the enterprises of Donetsk in 1983, at the Uglich factory in 1986, at the Tambov Plant of Galvanolines in 1989; 2) according to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 31.05.84, an integrated intellectual system of application of galvanic coatings was developed and implemented under the program of creating exemplary deserted production; 3) according to the industry plan Glavuglemash Minugleprom of the USSR, an intelligent control complex of the robotic assembly and welding module was created and implemented (Donetsk, Giprougleautomatizatsiya, 1990, Kiev, IEC Pat. In the treasury of the department’s development there are also intelligent control systems in the railway transport.
Intelligent machines – a scientific school developed prof. Anatolii Kargin Intelligent information technologies based on models and methods of sensory information processing borrowed from LIVING NATURE and cognitive sciences have been studied and developed in more than 15 PhD theses, conducted under the direction of prof. Anatolii Kargin, published in more than 350 scientific papers and several monographs.
Presentations of scientific projects of the department can be found at the link.