Branch research laboratory of telecommunication networks
The main areas of activity: the development of the theory of telecommunications, on the basis of which the development of new methods of information processing is carried out, the scientific justification of mathematical models of the components of telecommunications systems and the improvement of telecommunications technologies in order to increase the efficiency of use and the quality of the functioning of telecommunications systems and networks of public use, as well as systems and networks of technological communication of railway transport.
Research works in the field of mobile communication:
Study of existing duplex radio communication systems suitable for use in railway transport
Development of the normative document “Rules for the organization and calculation of train radio communication networks”
Development of rules for the operation of radio communication equipment at the communal enterprise “Kharkivskyi Metropoliten”
Research works in the fields of radio monitoring and wireless access:
Research and determination of methods and means of radio monitoring on railways of Ukraine
Research and formation of a list of requirements for regulatory documents on sensor testing for remote monitoring of the presence of rolling stock at railway infrastructure facilities
Research and laboratory testing of the multi-service radio access system in the 10.5 GHz frequency range in the conditions of the Znamyanka station
Research works in the fields of radio monitoring and telecommunications:
Development of a methodology for determining the scope of work on the operation of telecommunications equipment. Development of the technological process of technical maintenance and operation of the existing digital equipment of telecommunication networks of railway transport of Ukraine, its periodicity and timekeeping
Development of sections of the program for the creation of software-technological and hardware-technical complexes of transportation management centers. Description and architecture of the transport dispatching management system and basic decisions regarding the provision of communication means for the RCUP, HCUP. Proposals for its modernization, taking into account the introduction of modern means of automation
Research works in the field of technological communication:
Development of the regulatory document “Rules for laying fiber-optic cables and cables with copper cores in the ground bed of railways of Ukraine”
Study of the technological conditions of the functioning of the flexible switching system for the technological communication network of railway transport based on SI 2000
Scientific and technical principles of organization and implementation of an integrated system of technological communication to ensure high-speed train movement
Theoretical foundations of the organization of the operational-technological communication network and the synthesis of systems for ensuring the high-speed movement of trains