History of the department
The Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality was renamed in 2021 as a result of the reorganization and merger of two departments: Wagons and Quality, Standardization, Certification and Materials Manufacturing Technologies.
Wagons Department
The department “Wagons” was founded in 1953. The head of the department then became associate professor Pavlo Shevchenko, who headed it for 29 years, devoting all his strength and talent to the development of industry science and education of qualified specialists in car building and car industry.
In the first years of the foundation of the department together with Pavel Vasilyevich worked associate professor MF Feldman, Associate Professor IV Antonov, Associate Professor VI Babenko, senior teachers KG Rilkov, VI Максаков.
In 1964, a unique research laboratory “Photoelasticity” was created at the department, where it became possible to solve complex problems of increasing the strength of parts and components of cars and other structures. For wagons, research was performed for heavy engineering and car-building plants. Studies of the polarization-optical method of the strength of the cylinder-piston group of engines were carried out, as well as the regularity of the elastic state and the strength of the gas turbine blades for the Kharkiv Turbine Plant were checked. JB Volkovych, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, actively worked and organized the work of the Laboratory “Photoelasticity”.
In June 1964, Associate Professor PV Shevchenko defended his doctoral dissertation, in 1965 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences and he was approved as a professor of the department.
From 1982 to 1993 the department was headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor Valery Vasilyevich Shevchenko, who in 1961 graduated from HIIT with a degree in “Carriage and Carriage”. In 1968 he defended his dissertation. Since 1968 – Associate Professor of “Wagons and Carriage”.
Valery Vasilyevich was one of the authors of the development of curricula for the specialty “Cars”. The implementation of the principle of continuous training of students in the specialty led to the emergence of the discipline “General structure of cars and railways”. From 1983 for 10 years the discipline “Construction mechanics and reliability of cars” was taught, in 1985 the discipline “Automated design systems and bases of scientific researches of cars” was introduced.
Since the mid-1980’s, the interaction between the institute and production has intensified. The department established branches in the car depots Osnova and Kharkiv-passenger. Classes in the disciplines “Technology of car building and car repair”, “Car economy”, “Automation and mechanization of car repair” were held in the branch of the department, and a significant part of training sessions were conducted by production workers G.I. Dukanich and MK Kostenko.
From 1993 to 1998 the department was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Anatoly Petrovich Gorbenko, a graduate of DIIT in 1962. In 1967 – 70 – a graduate student of XIIT. After graduating from graduate school and successfully defending his dissertation in 1971, he worked at XIIT as an assistant professor at the Department of Wagons. From 1976 to 1988 – Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists. In 1995 he completed an internship at the Swiss Federal Railways. He currently teaches the disciplines “Wagons (design and calculations)” and “General structure of wagons”.
During the period from 1993 to 1998, the department carried out work on further improvement of the educational process. Educational and professional programs were developed at the professional level of bachelor, specialist, master. Work plans of different levels and terms of study have been introduced into the educational process. Organizational and methodological work on the beginning of state exams at the educational level of bachelor and specialist.
From 1999 to 2008 the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladislav Fedorovich Golovko, a 1967 graduate of HIIT, who from 1973 worked at the institute. In 1975 he defended his Ph.D., in 1999 – his doctoral dissertation. Specialist in the field of forecasting the reliability and durability, technical diagnostics of components and systems of rolling stock of railway transport.
He has published more than 80 scientific and methodological works, including three textbooks: “Calculations of locomotive power plants in operation” (1990), “Modern unified power supply systems for passenger cars” (2000), “Energy railway rolling stock equipment ”(2004). He had eight copyright certificates for inventions.
Under his supervision, three PhD theses were defended (Bondarenko VV, Viznyak RI, Voloshin DI). He was a member of the specialized Academic Council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations of UkrDUZT, the Academic Council of the University and the Faculty of Mechanics. Honorary railwayman, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and numerous diplomas of Ministries and departments.
From 2007 to 1010, the head of the department was Associate Professor RI Vizniak. and Professor Borzilov ID.
From September 2010 to the present, the head of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ernstovich Martynov. He was born in Kharkiv in 1962. In 1979 he entered the mechanical faculty of the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Engineers. SM Kirov, who graduated with honors in 1984 with a degree in “Carriage and Carriage”. He began his career in August 1984 as a foreman of the car assembly shop at the Kharkiv Car Repair Plant. From 1984 to 1986 he served in the Soviet Army. From 1988 to 1991 he studied at the full-time graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport at the Department of “Cars and Carriage”. In 1991 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on “Increasing the level of operational reliability of axle boxes of rolling stock” in the specialty “Railway rolling stock and train traction”
Since February 1991. to date, IE Martynov works at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport as an assistant, associate professor, doctor, head of the department. He is the author of more than 190 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including textbook, 2 monographs and scientific and methodological manuals.
In 2009 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on “Development of methods for calculation and testing of axle bearing units of freight cars, taking into account the peculiarities of their operation.” In 2011 he received the academic title of professor.
For a significant personal contribution to the implementation of the Program to reduce excessive wear of wheels and rails Martynov IE in 2006 was awarded the Diploma of the State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine. For fruitful work and significant contribution to the work on training of railway transport specialists and their professional development Martynov IE in 2010 was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine. In 2011 he was awarded a personal watch from the South-Western Railway.
The main scientific direction of prof. Martynova IE – increasing the reliability of axle boxes of rolling stock. Under the leadership of prof. Martynova IE performed a set of studies on the choice of the optimal design of the axle bearing assembly of freight cars. Created axle boxes of high reliability, equipped with double-row bearings of the cassette type, are successfully operated on new generation cars on the railways of Ukraine.
In 2021, as a result of the reorganization, the Department of Quality, Standardization, Certification and Materials Manufacturing Technologies was added to the Department of Wagons. The department became known as “Wagon Engineering and Product Quality”.
Department of “Quality, standardization, certification and manufacturing technologies”
The Department of Quality, Standardization, Certification and Materials Manufacturing Technologies (YASS and TVM) of UkrDUZT was established as a part of the Mechanical Faculty simultaneously with the Kharkiv Operational and Traction Institute of Railway Transport (later HIIT, now – UkrDUZT) in 1930 and had the original name: metals “.
From the beginning of the 1930-31 academic year, the training of specialists in the following disciplines began: metal technology, wood processing technology, organization and rationalization of production, equipment of locomotive and car repair plants, organization of repairs, repair of locomotives and cars, power engineering, safety.
Over the years, the department has gone through difficult stages of its development:
Pre-war years. The organizer and the first head of the department “Technology of Metals” was Associate Professor Ivanov Lvovich. New laboratories were organized at the department: metallographic and welding, the course “Materials Science” was read with sections: metallurgy; foundry production; hot processing of metals by pressure; welding; machines. During this period, the department also created training and production workshops (machine tools, metalwork, carpentry, blacksmithing). Head of the department at this stage: 1930-1931 – Associate Professor Ivanov NL; 1932-1933 – Associate Professor Chupis NM; since 1934 associate professor Seredenko VN – one of the first graduate students of the institute (graduate school was opened together with the institute in 1930).
War years. In 1941 the department together with HIIT was evacuated to Tashkent. After returning from the evacuation in 1944, the Department of Metal Technology restored the premises, training and production workshops, and installed equipment. The department was headed by Ph.D., associate professor Seredenko VN
At this stage, the main attention was paid to scientific and methodological work. New laboratory works from all disciplines of the department were created, course design was organized. The method of conducting classes with students of evening and correspondence faculties was worked out. There was also close contact with the Kharkiv plants (KhVRZ, Sickle and Hammer, HTZ, Shakhtar Light), as well as with the Zhovten locomotive depot.
Scientific and educational work at the department was significantly intensified. Their graduate students have appeared. The postgraduate course was supervised by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Petrosyan PP A new discipline “Mechanical Engineering Technology” has appeared at the department for students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, majoring in BKM. It was the largest and only foundry laboratory among Kharkiv universities and the USSR MES system.
During this period, the main attention was paid to the scientific work of the department. A research group was created at the department, which developed issues of chemical and thermal treatment of metals. The department was headed from 1962 to 1972 by the second associate professor Seredenko VN, and from 1972-1977. – Associate Professor Ovcharov VP
A lot of methodical work was done. For all disciplines and types of classes conducted by the department, the teaching method was redesigned. Head of the Department “Technology of Metals” from 1977 -1982. – Associate Professor Nosach PI
The technical means of training have been updated at the department, machine workshops, welding and foundry laboratories have been improved. In 1997, the department was attached to the department “ERRS” as a section “Technology of Mechanical Engineering”. In 1999, the training and production complex “HarDAZT – PTU-23” was established. Thanks to the complex, first-year students of mechanical and construction faculties in one year get working professions in their specialties, which gives them the right to occupy jobs during the internship. The head of the department was from 1984-2000. – Associate Professor Zhuchenko VV
In 2001, the section “Technology of Mechanical Engineering” of the Department of ERRS acquired the status of the department. On October 1, 2001, the department changed its name to “Materials and technologies for the manufacture of transport products” (MTV). The department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Larysa Andriyivna Tymofeeva.
The department is focused on the development and research of new environmentally friendly technologies for the manufacture, repair and restoration of rolling stock parts. In 2002 a postgraduate course was opened in the specialty 05.02.01 – materials science and 05.01.02 standardization and certification, and in 2003 a doctoral program was opened in the specialty 05.02.01 – materials science. In 2004, the Department of MTV became a graduate, as a new specialty was opened 7.000001 “Quality, Standardization and Certification”. And in 2005 a master’s degree was opened in the specialty 8.000001 “Quality, standardization and certification”.
In October 2014, the Department of Materials and Technologies of Manufacturing of Transport Products (MTV) was renamed the Department of “Quality, Standardization, Certification and Technologies of Materials Manufacturing” (JAS and TVM). The head of the department was Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Timofeeva Larisa Andreevna. She was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for the development of new environmentally friendly resource-saving technological processes of surface hardening of materials.
In 2018, the staff of the department consisted of 12 people: 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 assistant, 2 full-time graduate students, head of training laboratories of the department, 1 senior laboratory assistant, 1 head of training and production workshops and 1 engineer of I category.