Public administration

Code: 17430

Specialty: 281 Public administration

Faculty: Faculty of «Economics»

IEE: Ukrainian language and literature, Professional exam, Maths or History of Ukraine or Foreign language

Passing score of past years: 100

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 2р 10м

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 14350

Training form: shortened

Training period: on the basis of the educational and qualification level of the junior specialist or
junior bachelor's degree - 2 years 10 months / 6 semesters

Educational level: bachelor

Introduction year: 2021

Guarantor of the educational program
The guarantor of OP “Public Administration” is Ph.D., Associate Professor Krykhtina YO

The purpose of training in the educational program
The purpose of the program is to gain knowledge of a broad understanding of the specifics of modern political and public administration, international political processes, European and Ukrainian institutional and socio-cultural specifics, which allows to apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems based on analysis of the problem and choice of methods.

Students acquire theoretical knowledge in public administration, local government, political and social activities. The program provides for the teaching of certain disciplines in a foreign language.

Addressees of the educational program
The program is addressed to applicants interested in gaining knowledge in the field of public administration and administration in various sectors of the economy.

The program will be interesting for those who plan to realize their abilities in the field of public administration, which will provide a European level of administrative services through the implementation of the principles of “Good Governance” – good “good” governance.

During the training, students will participate in scientific and practical activities with the participation of representatives of international world and European organizations and embassies.

Training in the program provides the following amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to apply knowledge and form judgments:

Defining the essence, laws, principles and mechanisms of public administration in the development of society;
knowledge of the basics of methodology, technologies and methods of formation, monitoring and control of management decisions at the national, regional and local levels, as well as at the level of public entities, from the standpoint of common civilization values, world experience and understanding of scientific achievements;
organization of work in accordance with the requirements of life safety and labor protection on railway transport;
work with a computer at the user level, use information technology to solve experimental and practical problems in the field of professional activity;
the essence and content of strategic management methods and skills of their application in the public sphere;
identification and research of problems of European integration policy of Ukraine;
implementation of personnel policy and public service reform;
development of leadership and leadership skills of public servants;
skills to prevent and combat corruption and promote ethical behavior in the public service;
ability to communicate effectively with the public;
developing an effective strategy for the program of public authorities in the field of public administration.
Employment opportunities
Graduates of the department have a high level of theoretical training and practical skills, which allows them to realize their abilities as managers in administrative positions in public and charitable organizations, trade unions, political parties; public authorities or local governments, think tanks, research and educational institutions, consulting structures, the media; in European structures, international national organizations and business structures.

Additional Information
The program “Public Administration” will be of interest to those who want to be able to manage the development of their country, are interested in public activities and see themselves as a civil servant.

Despite the difficulties with the democratic process in Ukraine, public officials must act effectively, taking into account the interests of citizens and ensuring respect for their dignity.