83rd Student Scientific and Technical Conference
On 12 December 2023, the plenary session of the 83rd Student Scientific and Technical Conference was held in a remote format at the Faculty of Information and Management Systems and Technologies.
The plenary session featured presentations:
Improvement of the control system of switches and signals at railway stations by using microprocessor-based devices and fibre-optic lines.
M. Gavrilov (211-ACIT-Z22), E. Avramenko (211-ACIT-D22)
Supervisor – assoc. prof. V.F.Kustov
Research of .NET libraries in Visual Studio Community 2022
А. Sokolov, A. Kuzmenko (110-SKS-D20)
Supervisor – Assoc. prof. V.M. Butenko
Environmental aspects of the telecommunications industry: reducing the impact on the environment
D. Notchenko (212-TKRT-D22)
Head – prof. K.A. Trubchaninova