36th International Scientific and Practical Conference “INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN RAIL TRANSPORT”
36th International Scientific and Practical Conference “INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN RAIL TRANSPORT”
The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the 36th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Management Systems in Rail Transport,” which will be held on November 16-17, 2023, at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.
Conference Topics:
- Methods and tools for enhancing the efficiency of management processes in rail transport.
- Robotics and information systems in rail transport.
- Specialized computer systems and networks in rail transport.
- Microprocessor devices and railway automation systems.
- Operational and technological communication systems in rail transport.
- Mechanical and energy management systems in rail transport.
- Methods and tools for robust, adaptive, and fuzzy control in complex technical systems.
- Technical diagnostics systems.
- Educational and methodological seminar for higher education institutions.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the journal “Information Management Systems in Rail Transport” No. 3 (Supplement), 2023.
Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian and English. Conference format: remote. Participation in the conference is free of charge. Contact Persons:
- Sergiy Ivanovich Prykhodko: +38(067) 950-84-38 (for organizational matters).
- Iryna Mykolaivna Meshcheryakova: +38(050) 403-98-12 (for matters related to abstract publication). Email: tz@kart.edu.ua
Applications for participation in the conference (full name, academic degree, affiliation, position, contact phone, email) and abstracts in electronic format should be sent to the Organizing Committee at tz@kart.edu.ua, tz.ukrduzt@gmail.com no later than November 10, 2023.
Abstract Formatting Requirements: up to 2 pages of text, including up to 3 references, in .doc format. Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt, single spacing. Do not use headers or manual word wrapping.
In addition to abstracts, you also have the opportunity to submit an article to the scientific and technical journal “Information Management Systems in Rail Transport.” The journal accepts articles prepared at a high scientific level, with significant theoretical and practical importance, and not previously published in English.
The scientific and technical journal has professional registration (category “B”) according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated March 17, 2020, with amendments dated July 2, 2020, No. 886. The journal is included in the international scientific database Index Copernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/-+++++,p24787015,3.html), Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com), and the scientific publishing platform “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” (http://jiks.kart.edu.ua). All articles are assigned a DOI.
Responsible Secretary of the Editorial Board of the scientific and technical journal: Ruslan Oleksandrovich Kharyn. Phone for inquiries: +38(099) 913-96-37.
We look forward to productive cooperation!
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