Dovzhenko Svitlana Serhiivna

Position: senior teacher, responsible for methodical work, head of the methodical commission of the department, professional group of the department, assistant to the dean for physical education of the mechanical and energy faculty, responsible for the work of the badminton and table tennis section

Science degree, academic title:

Year of birth: 1972


In 1994 she graduated from H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv State Pedagogical University in the special field “Physical Training” and gained qualification as “Physical Education Teacher”.

Scientific activity direction:

Physical culture and sports among various segments of the population.


Author of 16 scientific papers. Among these 4 are of scientific and methodological nature and 12 are educational and methodological study-aids.

Awards and diplomas:

Featured publications:

  1. Шепеленко Т.В., Дорофєєва Т.І., Гринько В.М., Довженко С.С., Сапегіна І.О. Організація індивідуальної оздоровчої системи фахівця. VII Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference «GLOBALIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND INTEGRATION OF SCIENCES». May10th, 2024. Grail of Science: inter. scientific journal. Vienna, Austria. No 39. 784с.
  2. Grinko V.; Shepelenko T.; Kudelko V.; Shaposhnyk A.; Slastina O.; Bodrenkova I.; Moshenska T.; Luchko O.; Dovzhenko S. Construction of a 15-second dynamic running model for groups with different training programs. Its dynamics and prediction. FOURRAGES Journal. Volume: 256, Issue 11, 2023.
  3. Шепеленко Т. В.; Дорофєєва Т. І.; Гринько В. М.; Сапегіна І. О.; Довженко С. С. Формування здорового способу життя спеціалістів залізничного транспорту в сучасних умовах навчання на прикладі загартування. VII Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference «SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES AND METHODS OF THEIR CARRYING OUT: WORLD EXPERIENCE AND DOMESTIC REALITIES». Grail of Science: inter. scientific journal. Vienna, Austria. 2024. 37. 552 p.