Oleksandr Saiapin
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1958
In 1980 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Transport Engineers (HIIT) with a degree in “Railway Construction, Tracks and Track Management”. Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1989. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council on the specialty 05.23.13 “Railway construction”. Dissertation topic: “Organization of machine kits on rock excavations”. Scientific adviser – doctor of technical sciences, prof. E. Ivanov.
Scientific activity direction:
New technologies of construction of maintenance and reconstruction of the lower structure of the track.
Geodetic support of transport infrastructure.
Participation in professional associations in the specialty:
Full member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine (ТAU).
more than 100 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.
Awards and diplomas:
Honorary worker of transport of Ukraine
Featured publications:
- 1. Sayapin OS, Orel EF, Kamchatna SM, Uzhvieva OM Geodetic control of the planned position of railway curves / Coll. Science. works UkrDUZT-Issue.189.-H .: UkrDUZT, 2020, 8p
2. O.S. Saiapin, V.O. Penkov, VN Astakhov, NV Bielikova and EA Bielikov. GIS in the study of transport infrastructure of technogenic-deformed territories / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 708, Reliability and Durability of Railway Transport Engineering Structures and Buildings 20–22 November 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 5p
3. Sayapin OS, Astakhov VN, Pilot PI Methods of geodetic calculation of the curvature of the structural elements of the railway route / Coll. Science. works UkrDAZT-Vip.148.-H .: UkrDAZT, 2014, 5p
4. Sayapin OS, Goshlya BO Modern technologies of geodetic support of works on reconstruction of the ground of railways / Coll. Science. works UkrDAZT-Vip.133.-H .: UkrDAZT, 2012, 3p
5. Sayapin OS Rational organization of construction of the ground of railways in difficult geological conditions / Journal “Railway Transport of Ukraine”: – 1997.- №1, 3p
6. Poletaev VI, Bobarykin PV, Sayapin AS Methods of surveying the railway with the use of satellite GPS-receivers / Modern problems of design, construction and operation of transport facilities: Mater. int. conf.- St. Petersburg .: PGUPS, 2003, 2p
7. Oleksandr Saiapin, Liudmyla Trykoz, Svetlana Kamchatnaya, Oksana Pustovoitova, Armen Atynian. Effective Waterproofing of Railway Culvert Pipes / The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol 14, No 4 (2019), pp. 473-483
8. O.S. Saiapin, L.V. Trykoz, I.V. Bagiyanc, V.Y. Savchuk, O.M. Пустовоитова, С.М. Kamchatnaya. Investigation into Electrical Conductivity of the Multicomponent System of Trackbed / International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, Vol. 25, pp. 52-57, 2016
9. Sayapin OS, Kamchatna SM, Litvinenko MA, Khlistun AA Condition of soil discharge from the main dump of the motor grader / Coll. Science. works UkrDUZT-Vip.165.-H .: UkrDUZT, 2016, 5p
10. Sayapin OS, Manuylenko VG, Shevchenko AO, Matvienko OO Basic provisions and mechanisms in the construction of the railway: Textbook / K .: Publishing House “Condor”, 2020, 268p
11. Sayapin OS, Kamchatna SM, Manuylenko VG, Orel EF “Design of railways. Economic research and basics of railway design “: Textbook / Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2018, 190p
12. Sayapin OS, Kamchatna SM, Malyavin AM, Manuylenko VG Designing of works on construction of a ground cloth of the railway: the Methodical manual / Kharkov, UkrDAZT, 2007, 62p
13. Sayapin OS, Plugin AM, Plugin AA, Plugin OA, Gerasimenko OS, Trikoz LV Calculations of bearing capacity and technology of fixing the foundations of buildings and structures of railway transport: A textbook stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Ch.1 / Kharkov, UkrDAZT, 2009. 122p
14. Sayapin OS, Plugin AM, Plugin AA, Trikoz LV, Gerasimenko OS, Plugin OA Calculations of bearing capacity and technology of fixing the foundations of buildings and structures of railway transport. Textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Part 2. / Kharkiv, UkrDAZT, 2011, 25p
15. Sayapin OS, Darensky OM, Bugaets NV, Vitolberg VG, Potapov DO, Talavira GM “Operation of railway tracks”: Textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. / Kharkiv, UkrDAZT, 2009, 140p
16. Sayapin OS, Kamchatna SM, Manuylenko VG Construction of an artificial structure. Methodical manual / Kharkiv, UkrDAZT, 2011, 38p
17. Sayapin OS, Moiseenko VI, Arbuzov GF University education: Textbook / Kharkiv, UkrDUZT, 2015, 126p
18. Yurchenko YM, Sayapin OS Control and evaluation of the quality of students’ knowledge in the conditions of the state pedagogical experiment / K .: Institute of Higher Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2008, 5p
19. Sayapin OS, Yurchenko YM Improving the means of control and evaluation of the quality of students’ knowledge in terms of credit-modular system of organization of the educational process / Materials of the II International scientific-practical. conference. Problems of implementation of credit-mod. systems through the eyes of students and teachers.-Kh .: KhDTUBA, 2008, 3p
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Engineering geodesy | Railway Structures and Track Facilities |
2 | Fundamentals of geodesy | Railway Structures and Track Facilities |