Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1975
Graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of railway Transport in 1997 majoring in Railway Construction, Railway Track and Track Facilities.
PhD since 2002. He defended his PhD thesis at the Specialized Scientific Board D 64.820.02 in specialty 05.23.01 – building constructions, buildings and structures. The subject of his thesis: “The stress-strain state of the steel-concrete membrane coating”. His research advisor was Dr.Sci.Eng., Professor E. Chykhladze.
Scientific activity direction:
Design and calculation of building constructions using the modern computer-aided modeling technologies.
Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Board D 64.820.02 on defense of doctoral and PhD theses in specialties Building Constructions, Buildings and Structures and Construction Materials and Products. A certified expert on engineering survey of building and constructions; a member of the Association of Construction Experts and the Ukrainian Association for Metal Constructions (UAMC).