Shepelenko Tetiana Valeriivna
Position: Head of the Department, sports aerobics and cheerleading coach
Science degree, academic title: Candidate Degree in Physical Education and Sports Science, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1974
In 1991 she graduated from the Kharkiv State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports with a degree in physical education, qualification – trainer-teacher of gymnastics.
Scientific activity direction:
Physical culture and sports among various segments of the population, Olympic and professional sports.
Author of more than 170 scientific papers. Among these, 11 are presented in periodicals included in scientometric databases recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in particular Scopus, Web of Science; 20 are presented in scientific publications included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine; 39 are of scientific and methodological nature. She has published and made print-ready 37 educational and methodological study-aids, including 2 textbooks, one of which is stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
1. Тітова Г.В., Дразіна (Долгієр) Є.В., Погорелова О.О., Шепеленко Т.В. Профілактика порушень опорно-рухового апарат у спортсменів 12 – 14 років, які займаються спортивними бальними танцями. Olympicus. 2024. № 1. С. 160 – 169. (Crossref)
2. Kozina Zh.L.Osiptsov A.V. Kostiukevych V.M. Shepelenko T.V. and other. Factor structure of the integral readiness of aerobics athletes.Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2017. № 17 (5). Art, 227. Р. 2188 – 2196. (Румунія) –Режим доступу:
Scopus, Web of Science
3. Kozina Zh.L.,Cieślicka M., Prusik R., Shepelenko T.V. and other.The teams’ for-mation in sport aerobics on the basis of applica-tion of multidi-mensional analysis methods. Physical Education
of Students. 2017. № 21(6). Р. 270 – 279. (Україна) – Режим доступу:
Web of Science
4. Kozina Zh.L., Cieślicka M. Prusik R. Shepelenko T.V. and other. Factor structure of aerobics athletes ’ fitness. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. 2017. № 21 (6). Р. 291–300. – Режим доступу:
Web of Science
5. Kozina Zh.L., Cieślicka M. Prusik R. Shepelenko T.V. and other.Structure of annual cycle of athletes training in aerobics (women) with various
рsycho- physiological and functional features. Pedagogics, psycholo-gy, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports.2018.22 (1). Р. 35 – 43. (Україна) Режим доступу:
Web of Science
6. Zh.L. Kozina I.M. Sobko, O.O. Ryepko, Shepelenko T.V. and other.Formation of teams in gaming and aesthetic sports based on neurodynamic features of ath-letes using mul-tidimensional analysis methods. Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical Biological And Chemical Science (RJPBCS). 2018. № 9 (5).
Р. 1889 – 1905. – Режим доступу:[238].pdf
Web of Science
7. Kozina Zh.L., Cretu M., Safronov D., Shepelenko T.V. and other. The Effective-ness of Autogenic Training in the Preparation of Elite Athletes in Rhythmic Gymnastics. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (IJAEP). 2019. Vol. 8 (2.1). Р. 820 – 830. – Режим доступу:
Web of Science
8. Kozina Zh., Lytovchenko M., Safronov D. , Shepelenko T.Vand other. Influence of Musculoskeletal System Dysfunction Degree on Psychophysiological Indicators of Paralympic Athletes. Sports. 2019. № 7 (3), 55. P.1 – 19. – Режим доступу:
Web of Science
9. Kozina Zh., Cretu M., Safronov D., Shepelenko T.V and other. Dynamics of psychophysio-logical functions and indicators of physical and technical readi-ness in young football players age 12-13 and 15-16 years dur-ing a 3-month training process. Physiotherapy Quarterly.2019. Vol. 27(3). P. 20 – 27. – Режим доступу:,109340,0,2.html
10. Kozina Zh.L. Safronov D., Kozin S., Shepelenko T.V and other. Use of non-traditional recovery means to improve perfor-mance of 11-12-year-old athletes specializing in rowing and canoeing. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2019. Vol. 19(1). Art. 108. Р. 756 – 764. – Режим доступу:
Scopus Web of Science
11. Cieślicka M., Kozina Zh., Muszkieta R. , Shepelenko T.V and other. Integral devel-opment of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2019. Vol. 19 (Supplement issue 3). Art. 143. Р. 992 – 1002. – Режим доступу:
Scopus Web of Science
12. Cieślicka M., Sobko, O. Ulaeva A. , Shepelenko T.V and other. Improving the protective technique of 13-14-year-old basketball players using rubber bands and unstable platforms. Journal of Physical Ed-ucation and Sport (JPES). 2019. Vol. 19 (Supplement issue 3). Art. 130. Р. 903 – 911. – Режим доступу:
Scopus, Web of Science
13. Kozin S. Kozina Zh. , Shepelenko T.V and other. Application closed kinematic chain with eccentric and exercises for the shoulder injuries prevention in student rock climbers: a randomized controlled trial. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics.2021. Vol. 23. Is. 2.Art. 17. P.P. 159 – 168. Режим доступу:
Scopus, Web of Science
14. O. Kozin, Zh. Kozina. V. Korobeinik, Shepelenko T.V and other. Influence of the professional and motor skills integral development method applica-tion on physical fitness indicators of Arts Faculty students: a randomized control trial. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 2023. Vol.23.Is.6.Art.165, P.P. 1350 – 1358. Режим доступу
15. Grinko V.; Shepelenko T.; Kudelko V.; Shaposhnyk A.; Slastina O.; Bodrenkova I.; Moshenska T.; Luchko O.; Dovzhenko S. Construction of a 15-second dynamic running model for groups with different training programs. Its dynamics and prediction. FOURRAGES Journal. Volume: 256, Issue:11, 2023. France Scopus
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Фізичне виховання | ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND TAXATION |