Hladka Diana. Faculty of «Information and Control Systems and Technologies»
Hladka Diana. Faculty of «Information and Control Systems and Technologies»
At the beginning of 2023, I got the opportunity to be a DAAD Ukrainian Digital scholar. The project gave me the opportunity to study courses that will help me overcome the consequences of the war. I improved my English language skills, I learned how to think critically and solve problems, and I gained new knowledge in my field of interest. The project provides a monthly stipend, which allowed me to focus on my studies and research without worrying about financial problems. The project also gave me the opportunity to meet other Ukrainian students and professors from Germany. It was a great opportunity to exchange experiences and make new friends. I am grateful to DAAD for the opportunity to participate in the DAAD Ukraine Digital project. This project has been invaluable to me and I believe it has changed my life for the better.
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