Publishing Ethics
Ruslan Vovkfull member (academician) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, D.Sc. in physics and mathematics, prof.
Observance of the principles of academic integrity is one of the primary tasks in the work of the editorial board of The Collection of scientific papers of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (CSP UkrSURT). In their activities, editors and members of the editorial board are guided by the Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for higher education institutions in support of the principles of academic integrity and provisions of the Code of Academic Integrity of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, which is adopted by the UkrSURT Academic Council on December 21, 2017 (protocol № 8).
One of the important steps towards the observance of academic integrity in scientific articles published in the Collection is the organization of professional and impartial review of all author’s manuscripts of articles submitted for publication. The basics of this process are outlined on the ‘Review’ page. Only those experienced specialists are involved in the review of articles who have their own scientific publications in the relevant field and meet the requirements of the Procedure for forming the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 32 of January 15, 2018.
Another aspect of academic integrity that is controlled by the Editorial Board of the Collection is the review of articles for signs of academic plagiarism. The algorithm of this process is described in the Regulations of the University on the system of prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in scientific and educational works of employees and applicants for higher education. Articles are checked for coincidences using the Unicheck software product, and the results of the review are analyzed by the editorial board to identify borrowings and actual plagiarism. The presence of plagiarism in the articles submitted to the CSP UkrSURT is not allowed, the number of correctly submitted borrowings should not exceed 20%, and the number of borrowings from one source should not exceed 5%. In case of non-compliance with the specified norms, the article may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected.
The responsibility for compliance with the principles of academic integrity in the manuscript of the article submitted to the editors of the Collection lies with the author (authors). With a signature of the”Author’s consent to the publication of the work in periodicals of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport” the author (authors) confirms (confirm) the observance of the principles of academic integrity in their article. Responsibility for the observance of the principles of academic integrity in published articles is divided between the author and the editorial board of the Collection.