Medianyk Vladyslav. Faculty of «Economics»
Hello. With great pleasure I will share my impressions of participating in the DAAD project. And although it is quite difficult to study in war conditions, for me it was an incredibly interesting experience, which provided an opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of logistics from professors from abroad who are specialists in this field. Unfortunately, distance learning leaves opportunities for personal communication with the teacher, but still the training of the lecturers was so high that the material presented was understandable and interesting. In addition to each topic, a presentation was presented that perfectly complemented it. But the most important, in my opinion, is the personal experience of European teachers, which they shared with students. This, in my opinion, made the training so interesting and rich. Therefore, I want to thank the professors and the organizer of this project for the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in logistics, as well as for supporting us and our country in these difficult times.