Laboratory of microprocessor control systems (1.225);
Laboratory of sensors, microprocessor and robotic systems (1.226);
Laboratory of automation systems at races (1.218);
Laboratory of automation systems at stations (1.219);
Laboratory of special measurements, technical diagnostics and dispatch control systems (1.220);
Laboratory of automated systems, track sensors and power supply (1.221).
Laboratory of microprocessor control systems for railway automation devices (1.225)
Laboratory of automation systems at the race (1.218)
Laboratory of automation systems at stations (1.219)
Laboratory of track sensors (1.221):
The material base of the department in its development has passed through three stages:
establishment of training laboratories (1960 – 1970);
extensive modernization of existing and creation of new training laboratories (in the 80s);
introduction into the educational process of microprocessor means of train traffic control, computer technology and modern technologies (recent years).
The process of formation began with the intensive equipment of laboratories of the department with technical devices of railway automation, because at that time three groups of students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering were already studying in the third year with their transfer to the fourth year of the ATZ faculty formed in 1960. The first laboratories of the department were located in three rooms: “Track blocking”, “Telecontrol” and “Theoretical foundations of automation and telemechanics”. The first laboratory models looked like real devices and individual units used on railways.
Telecontrol laboratory before modernization
Laboratory of track blocking before modernization
The complexity of teaching special disciplines and improving the quality of students’ perception of educational material contributed to the training of teachers, extensive modernization of the material base of the department and the use of technical teaching aids in the educational process.
During the modernization of laboratories, small-sized plug-in equipment was mainly used, which allowed to significantly increase the number of laboratory models. The “Track Lock” laboratory was equipped with an “AK” type automatic control class.
Track blocking laboratory after modernization with AK class
Laboratory of automation systems in racing nowadays
Now the department has five modern laboratories:
station automation systems;
race automation systems;
special measurements and control systems;
track sensors;
theoretical foundations of automation and telemechanics.
In the 90’s the department began to introduce into the educational process of microprocessor-based train traffic control, computer technology and modern technologies. For example, models of microprocessor auto-blocking and microprocessor routing have appeared in the laboratories of station automation systems and automation systems at races. At the same time, the methods of computer modeling, distance learning and control of knowledge based on the use of computer technology began to be used in the educational process. To do this, all laboratories are equipped with personal computers (total number – 30 PCs), which are connected to a local computer network with access to the university network and the Internet.
Laboratory of special measurements and control systems nowadays
Model of relay-microprocessor electrical centralization of switch and traffic lights
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