Department “Automation and computer telecontrol of trains”


Vasyl Sotnyk

Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

building 1, floor 2, office 222

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The Department of AT was founded on November 1, 1960 together with the Faculty of Automation, Telemechanics and Communications (ATC) and was the first graduating department for the training of railway automation specialists in Ukraine.

The department is a graduate, in two specialties:
174- Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics
273 – Railway transport

The department has 3 doctors of technical sciences, 4 professors, 3 academicians and 1 corresponding member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, 11 associate professors and 3 senior lecturers.

Two branch research laboratories have been established at the department
“Automation and Telemechanics” (BRL-63)
“Movement safety” (BRL-73)
and works two student scientific and practical circles.