Faculty of «Information and Control Systems and Technologies»
For debts, payments or others questions contact:
Zmiy Serhiy Oleksiiovych – 067-775-4971 or Kovtun Iryna Volodymyrivna – 095-839-6230
Korolyova Natalia Anatoliivna – 098-233-6423
The Faculty began its activities on November 1, 1960 by order of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science № 392 of October 20, 1960 and until December 2016 was called “Automation, Telemechanics and Communications”. The first dean of the ATZ faculty was elected Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Panfilov, a specialist in the theoretical foundations of automation, telemechanics and automation of control in railway transport.
The structure of the faculty includes four graduate departments: automation and computer telecontrol of train traffic, transport communications, specialized computer systems, information intelligent technologies and the general department of computer technology and control systems.
Heads of departments of the faculty:
Acting Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vasyl Sotnyk;
phone: +38 (057) 730-10-32
e-mail: at@kart.edu.ua
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Serhiy Ivanovych Prykhodko;
phone: +38 (057) 730-10-84
e-mail: tz@kart.edu.ua
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Moiseenko Valentin Ivanovich;
phone: +38 (057) 730-10-62
e-mail: scs@kart.edu.ua
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kargin Anatoliy Oleksiyovych;
phone: +38 (057) 730-19-84
e-mail: it@kart.edu.ua
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bantyukov Serhiy Yevhenovych;
phone: +38 (057) 730-10-39
phone: +38 (057) 730-10-40
e-mail: vtsu@kart.edu.ua
About 900 full-time and part-time students study at the faculty. The faculty trains highly qualified specialists in the following specialties:
123 – “Computer Engineering”;
126 – “Information systems and technologies”;
151 – “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”;
172 – “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”;
273 – “Railway transport”.
General Information
Modern information and control systems of automation and telecommunications in railway transport are quite complex and responsible, built on the latest microelectronic base with the use of modern computer technology. Graduates of the faculty ensure the smooth operation of railways, the necessary capacity of railway sections and train safety.
Modern educational laboratories of physics, electrical engineering, electronics, and computer engineering are used to teach students. Special laboratories are equipped with the latest devices and equipment.
The educational process is provided by qualified teachers, 70% of whom have academic degrees and academic titles.
In the training of specialists in the program “Automation and computer-integrated technologies” much attention is paid to the study of computer circuitry, architecture of computer and peripheral devices, software design principles of construction and operation of hardware and software, including microprocessor controllers and COMPUTER. The purpose of training bachelors and masters in the program “Train Traffic Control Systems” is to train specialists capable of developing and operating relay-contact and microprocessor systems of railway automation, operating existing communication systems and implementing integrated digital networks.
Graduates of the “Computer, Information and Control Systems” and “Specialized Computer Systems” training programs can work in various departments of railways and subways. They develop and maintain computer systems, human-machine interfaces, computer networks, protect information, computer graphics, databases, artificial intelligence systems, have modern programming languages, implement information technology.
The rapid development of telecommunications and information technologies and the growing demand for modern communication services ensure the widespread use of telecommunications systems and public networks for various purposes, which determines the prospects of specialists in the programs “Computer Network Technologies”, “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” development, implementation, maintenance and operation of the latest telecommunications systems and networks.
Recently, the demand for new IT specialists has increased significantly. Educational programs “Intelligent Information Technology” and “Artificial Intelligence Technology” are aimed at training professionals in demand in new industries, which are emerging from Industry 4.0. According to the recommendations of the NMC Horizon Report Hugher Education Editor, training is focused on three areas: the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and large data processing technologies.
Graduates of the faculty successfully work in design and construction organizations, in computer centers, in signaling and communication distances of the main, industrial transport and subways, road laboratories, and many other enterprises both in Ukraine and abroad.
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