Department of “Specialized Computer Systems”
The creation of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems was due to certain innovations in the development of railway transport and was based on the experience of finding the optimal organization of training for students of a new specialty at the Faculty of Automation, Telemechanics and Communications.
In 1986 the department of microprocessor information and control systems was founded. Graduation of electrical engineers from microprocessor systems was carried out until 1999.
In order to deepen the training of electrical engineers of railway transport in computer technology in 1999, the department was merged with the Department of Automation and Telemechanics. As a result of the merger, the department received a new name – automation and computer information and control systems, which trained graduates in the specialty “Automation and Automation in Transport”. She trained specialists in two specializations “Automation and Telemechanics” and “Computer Information Control Systems”. The founder of the department and its head was prof. G.I. Zagariy.
Due to the use of the latest computer technologies in the railway industry, in 2004 an independent department of specialized computer systems was separated from the Department of Automation and Computer Information and Control Systems. The newly established department began training specialists and masters in the specialty “Specialized Computer Systems” specialization “Computer Information and Control Systems”.
In 2013, the department was headed by Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. V.I. Moiseenko. The pedagogical staff of the department, in addition to the head, includes: doctors M.A. Miroshnyk and S.I. Dotsenko, candidates of technical sciences, associate professors V.M. Butenko, and L.A. Klimenko.
The quality of practical training is ensured by the opportunity for students to undergo internships, internships and training in domestic and foreign IT campaigns, cooperating with the department, which is a system integrator of the authorized class Schneider Electrik at the university.
In the process of learning, students have the opportunity to collaborate with leading companies involved in the development, design and implementation of computer systems and technologies.
The scientific schools of prof. V.I. Moiseenko, S.I. Dotsenko and M.A. Miroshnyk, who provide training for candidates and doctors of science in graduate and doctoral studies.
Educational programs of the department:
Specialized computer systems – educational and professional program of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education on the basis of specialty 123 “Computer Engineering”
Computer information and control systems – educational and professional program of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education on the basis of specialty 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”