About the department
Research work of the department
The department conducts research in the following areas:
• Construction of computer networks and systems based on graph theory and discrete optimization.
• Development of distributed control and management systems for railway transport facilities.
• Development of methods for building adaptive control systems for mobile railway transport facilities. • Development of models and methods for building intelligent computer networks with diagnostic infrastructure.
Material and technical support of the department
Meets modern requirements for training specialists in computer technology. The laboratory base of the department is located on 144 m2. The educational process uses 3 computer classes with 32 PCs, which are connected to local area networks with the help of servers (4 pieces). The total number of students per PC is 4. This allows laboratories to perform laboratory work, course and diploma design, as well as independent work.
External links
The department cooperates with railway higher educational establishments of Ukraine and abroad, leading higher educational establishments of Ukraine (KPI, KhPI, KHAI, NAU, NTU, KhNADU, KNURE, etc.); as well as other scientific and industrial enterprises.
The graduate of the department develops and maintains computer complexes, human – machine interfaces, computer networks, is engaged in information protection, computer graphics, organization of databases, artificial intelligence systems, speaks modern programming languages, provides implementation of IT technologies.
• public railway transport enterprises (almost all industries), subdivisions of railway services, computer centers of railways;
• enterprises of industrial railway transport, city transport, subway;
• design institutes, design bureaus and educational institutions;
• industrial enterprises;
• sphere of public administration;
• business – companies, banking;
• companies engaged in the development and maintenance of websites, online stores, network administration in the public sector and business companies.