Scientific research work
Areas of research of the department
The Department of Specialized Computer Systems is unique among the railway universities of Ukraine. It provides human resources support for the innovative development of the railway industry by specialists at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. The technical equipment of laboratories meets modern requirements, and students in the learning process will master not only the necessary theoretical knowledge, but also gain practical skills. This is ensured by the active cooperation of the department with the leading enterprises of the industry and firms engaged in the development of new equipment for the needs of the industry. This approach ensures the rapid adaptation of graduates in the workplace.
Scientific research of the staff of the department is aimed primarily at solving current issues of supporting the innovative development of railway transport.
Professor Valentyn Moiseenko heads the scientific work on the development and implementation of modern microprocessor train control systems on the railway. In cooperation with the specialists of the enterprise SPE POV “ZALIZNYCHAVTOMATYKA” microprocessor systems of station centralization on railway transport and subway have been developed and implemented. In recent years, an examination of the functional safety of microprocessor control systems, which are implemented in the railway transport of Ukraine. This accelerates the introduction of new equipment and ensures safe conditions for the carriage of passengers and goods.
Doctor of Technical Sciences Serhiy Dotsenko formulated the theoretical foundations of the methodology of a holistic approach to the creation of intelligent computer support systems for solutions in energy management of organizations. This ensured the introduction of energy-saving technologies in industrial enterprises and railway transport. In particular, automated monitoring systems for energy consumption have been created with further analysis and recommendations for improving energy efficiency. In this direction, work continues on the development of methodological foundations for the formation of the organizational structure of energy management systems for enterprises.
Now the scientific school Dotsenko S.I. the architectures of logical models of knowledge bases with open architecture, as components of intelligent systems within the framework of development of methodologies of industrial revolutions of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things) and Industry 5.0 (Internet of Knowledge) are conducted. First of all, these works are aimed at providing scientific support for the further development of the domestic railway industry.
Professor Maryna Miroshnyk heads the scientific field, which covers the problems of automated design of devices and systems of railway automation. Its scientific developments in software suitability are actively used by developers of modern microprocessor technology.
The development of scientific research, constant updating of the material base and active cooperation with the production is the key to the sustainable development of the department.
On the basis of the department there is a branch research laboratory “Microprocessor means of automation of railway transport facilities”
Recently, the laboratory conducted a study on the topic: Research of mathematical models and determination of qualitative features of safe operation of the technological device IVB with electronic components
Currently, the laboratory is conducting research on the topic: Research and determination of qualitative features of safe operation of the technological device with electronic components TSh-65SB
- Patent 98395 (51) IPC G01F 11/28 (2006.01), G01R 35/00. Device for functional diagnostics of single crystal growth control device
- Utility model patent / Method for measuring parameters of microwave signals and paths // EN 113161 IPC G01R 21/04 (2006.01), G01R 27/06 (2006.01) (Ukraine). – Application. in 2016 08483; Publ. 2017/1/10, Bull. №1. Inventors: Zaichenko O.B., Klyuchnik I.I., Miroshnyk M.A., Butenko V.M.
- Utility model patent / Communication device – optoelectronic analogue of electromagnetic current relay // EN 116449 IPC H03K 17/60 (2006.01) (Ukraine). – Application. in 2016 11255; Publ. 2017/5/25, Bull. №1. Inventors: Butenko V.M., Golovko O.V., Zaichenko O.B., Meleshko V.V., Miroshnik M.A., Moiseenko V.I., Chub I.M., Chub S.G.
- Patent for invention / Switching device – optoelectronic analogue of electromagnetic current relay // EN 1009 IPC9 H03K 17/60 (2006.01) (Ukraine). – Application. u 2016 11009 dated 02.11.2016; Inventors: Butenko V.M., Golovko O.V., Zaichenko O.B., Meleshko V.V., Miroshnik M.A., Moiseenko V.I., Chub I.M., Chub S.G.
- Stalemate. on a utility model / Device for increasing the uniformity of heating in a microwave oven // EN 113161 IPC (2018.01) G01R 21/00, G01R 21/08 (2006.01), (Ukraine). – Application. u 2018 00774. Inventors: Zaichenko O.B., Tsekhmistro R.I., Miroshnyk M.A.
- Stalemate. on a utility model / Device for finishing plastic products after 3D printing. // UA 139768 МПК (2020.01) В29С 71/00, В29С 67/02, В29С 64/40, B33Y 10/00 (2019.04) (Ukraine). – Application. In 2019 04798., publ. Bill.№2, 27.01.2020. Inventors: Zaichenko O.B., Zaichenko N.S., Miroshnik M.A., Golovkina L.V.
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