About the department


Bantyukov Sergey Evgenievich

Head of the Department, PhD in Sci. Tech., Associate Professor

building 2, floor 2, office 221

The Department of Computer Engineering and Control Systems was founded in 1964 at the Faculty of Automation, Telemechanics and Communications (ATC) and was originally called “Computing and Computing Machines and Devices”. In 1967 the department was renamed – “Electronics and Computer Engineering”, and in 1975 the department received its modern name – “Computer Engineering and Control Systems” (СЕ and СS).

The staff of the Department has 13 employees, among them: 4 Associate Professors, 4 Senior Lecturers, 1 Assistant, 4 employees of support staff. The head of the Department is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Serhiy Yevhenovych Bantyukov.

The main direction of the Department’s work is the preparation and formation of a modern level of information and computer culture among future specialists, the acquisition of practical skills in working on modern computer technology and the use of modern information technologies to solve engineering problems.

The Department is general education.

Lecturers of the Department trains in 13 basic disciplines for masters and bachelors in all faculties and in all specialties of the University.

The Department carries out scientific activities: the Lecturers of the department take part in domestic and international scientific conferences, publish scientific works in international and specialized publications of Ukraine, prepare students for participation in scientific conferences. Every year the Department conducts the first round of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the areas of “Computer Science” and “Informatics”, the winners of which have repeatedly become certified participants in the second round.

The Department has a student research problem group “Web technologies in the educational process”. It consists of first and second year students of “non-it specialties ” who believe that an in-depth acquaintance with programming, the functioning of the Internet, its WWW service and the basics of building intranets may not be superfluous for them in future activities.

In the group, students study the scripting programming language JavaScript and Microsoft VBScript, the principles of creating web applications on the HTML5 platform and their application in the intranet of computer classes during laboratory classes. Quite a significant work of the group was the study of the effectiveness of the use of scripting programming languages as the basic ones in teaching the basics of algorithms and programming for students of technical areas of study at our university. Attempts to use WebGL technology to create virtual 3D-tutorials have also become interesting.

The material and technical base of the Department includes 7 computer laboratories, equipment for visual support of lectures and laboratory classes, which provide a modern level of the educational process and the organization of scientific research and independent work of students.

The Department conducts active career guidance work in seconded schools and lyceums of the city of Kharkov and the Kharkov region.

Зустріч зі студентами Харківського професійного ліцею залізничного транспортуЗустріч з випускниками харківських шкіл

Since 2010, the department has been operating the Internet radio station “Radio VTSU”.

The radio station was created thanks to the creative enthusiasm of the head of the laboratory Isaenko KO, with the support of the University management and the Department. Leading radio stations are students and teachers of our University and other Kharkiv Universities. The student music and entertainment radio station is an independent and non-profit project. The name of the station “Radio VTSU” is an abbreviation of the name of the Department “Computer Engineering and Control Systems”.

Зустріч з деканом факультету ІКСТ на радіо "ВТСУ" Радіо "ВТСУ"

In 2010, the department created an exposition on the history of computing technology, where samples of computing technology of the first mechanical computing devices for computers of our days are presented. A number of exhibits are in the public domain.

Експонати музею кафедри "ОТ та СУ"Експонати музею кафедри "ОТ та СУ"