About the department
Modern composition of department counts 8 employees, including: 4 associate
professors, 2 elders teachers and 2 employees of educational-auxiliary personnel.
The teachers of department provide realization of educational process for
preparation of bachelors and master's degrees on all faculties of university from
disciplines: economic theory, microeconomics, makroekonomics, history of
economy and economic idea, global economy, jurisprudence, economic right,
bases of theory of the state, legal questions of activity of manager, social
responsibility and intellectual property. Annually the amount of students that study
on a department makes about 4000 persons.
Faculty advisors:
1. Associate professor, Kameneva Natalya
2. Associate professor, Aleksandrova Olena
3. Associate professor, Gajvaronskaj Tatjana
4. Senior teacher Kolisnykov Andrii
5. Associate professor, Kosych Maryna
6. A senior teacher Krutko Irina
Educational-auxiliary personnel:
1. A specialist 1 categories Mozgovaj Olga Tymofij
2. Laboratory assistant Lybchanckij Anton Romanovich