Basic directions of scientific activity of teachers of department :
– the Social infrastructure in the conditions of market economy (Kameneva
– is Aspects of economic security at regional level (Aleksandrova O.Y.)
– Earth, ecological nature right; legal relationships on a transport (Gajvaronskaj
– are the Legal adjusting of the public borrowing, legal problems of the money
system (Kolisnykov A.V.)
-features of functioning of natural monopolies in a market economy (Kosych
– is the international law collaboration in a fight against ecological crimes
(Krutko I.М.)
In 2018, securing of dissertation took place for the receipt of scientific degree of
candidate of economic sciences Aleksandrova O.Y. on a theme "Government
control of mechanism of providing of economic security of regions"(scientific
leader Dukan V. ) Annually the teachers of department publish the scientific
articles in professional editions, theses of lectures and methodical developments.
Annually the teachers of department publish the scientific articles in professional
editions, theses of lectures and methodical developments. The teachers of
department manage the advanced study of students during writing of student
lectures for participating in conferences, competitions and olympiads.