History of the department
Department the "Economic theory and right" was created in 1938 under the name a
department "Political economy".
During the last 40 a department was headed: Associate professor, Stupnigkij V.
(1967-1973), associate professor, Ponomarenko P. (1973-1981), associate
professor Sivalnev O. (1981-1983), associate professor, Duhov V. (1983-1999),
professor Sobolev V. (2000 – 2007). From July in 2007 for April, 2015 headed a
department professor of academy, candidate of economic sciences Borovich Olga.
From April, 2015 a department is headed by Kameneva Nataly, candidate of
economic sciences, associate professor.
To the state of ПВС departments enter teachers that have long-term scientifically-
pedagogical experience in INSTITUTION of higher learning : PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor Kameneva N.M., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Kosych M.V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor Gajvaronskaj T.M., PhD in
Economics, Associate Professor Aleksandrova O.Y., senior teachers: Krutko I.М.
, Kolisnykov A.V. The teachers of department constantly work on the increase of
the qualification with application of the newest methods of studies.
The methodical providing, that it is worked out by the teachers of department,
consists of more than 123 textbooks, manuals, compendia of lectures, methodical
pointing, and others like that. Large payment in his filling was brought in by the
associate professors of Kameneva N.M., Aleksandrova O.Y., Gajvaronskaj T.M.,
Kosych M.V., and senior teachers of Kolisnykov A.V., Krutko I.М. , Mozgovaj