About the department
The Department of Economics, Business and Human Resources in Transport has come a difficult way in its formation, finally forming in 2014. Today the department trains highly qualified, professional bachelors and masters according to new standards and educational programs: “Personnel management” and “Business administration”.
Qualified teaching staff, availability of specialized classrooms, computer classes, introduction of active methods of training, involvement of students in active participation in international scientific conferences and competitions, practical training at real successful enterprises allows graduates of the department to become competitive specialists in the labor market and organizers of modern productions.
Within the framework of the European International Program “Tempus”, the department advises masters of economic and engineering specialties according to the module “Personnel Management” for specialists of high-speed railway connection in Ukraine (Mie GVF). The department has a wide range of connections along the research line with the structures of PJSC “Ukrainian Railways” and higher educational institutions of foreign countries.
Graduates of the department have the opportunity to realize their abilities of managers in administrative positions in domestic and foreign companies and companies, international national organizations, transport enterprises, territorial and municipal departments of transport, logistics centers, business structures, as well as enterprises and industries of all spheres of activity.
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