Educational and methodical work of the department
Methodological guidelines and methodical manuals developed by teachers and employees of the department
Protection of the environment during the operation of heat-technology equipment: Science. manual / N.A. Sharoyko, A.O. Kahramanyan, I.P. Poltavsky and others. Kharkiv UkrDAZT, 2011. – 400 pp., table. 18, fig. 52.
ISBN 978-966-2033-60-1
Boiler plant operator [Text]: prakt. education manual / A. O. Kagramanyan, V. K. Kadnevskyi, V. O. Morozov. — X.: TO “Exclusive”, 2016. — 130 p.
This manual covers issues related to the device and operation of modern boiler installations, auxiliary installations, control and measuring devices and automation elements. Boiler maintenance rules and safety measures during operation and repair of boilers and equipment used for heating industrial facilities and residential premises have been added. The issue of training specialists in the repair and maintenance of boiler installations for all types of fuel was reflected.
Intended for students of vocational schools, technical schools, colleges, advanced training courses for workers related to the construction, maintenance and operation of boiler plants.
P 81. A.K. Babichenko, V.I. Toshinskyi, Yu.A. Babichenko, V.I. Velma, O.I. Zaitsev, M.O. Podustov Basics of measurements and automation of technological processes / General. ed. A.K. Babichenko: Textbook – Kh.: NFaU Publication: Golden Pages, 2007 – 515 p.
The textbook contains basic information about measurements, measurement errors and their determination, methods of automatic control of technological parameters.
Characteristic objects of chemical and pharmaceutical technology and the main methods of their management are described, and information on modern microprocessor devices is given
regulation and executive devices. The considered elements of theory, calculation and design of automation systems. Examples of automation of typical technological processes are provided. The textbook is intended for students of chemical-pharmaceutical and chemical-technological specialties and can be useful for students and a wide range of engineering and technical workers in various industries specializing in the field of automation.
Microprocessor tools in automated control systems of technological processes / [Babichenko A.K., Krasnikov I.L., Babichenko Yu.A., Velma V.I., Lysachenko I.G., Podustov M.O.. Dzevochko O.M. .]; under the editorship A.K. Babichenko – X.: Published by Vodnyi Spektr GM-P LLC, 2016 – 440 p.
The textbook covers general information about microprocessor automation tools, the technical structure and functional composition of automated process control systems, the principles of building microprocessor regulators and controllers. Diagrams of external connections of the hardware part of microprocessor-based automation tools are presented and the main functional blocks of the library of controller algorithms, necessary for the creation of REU and FABL-programs, are highlighted. The information provided is illustrated by examples of the use of functional blocks in the process of configuring control systems. The manual is intended for students of the “Automation and computer-integrated technologies” specialty. It can be useful for students majoring in the technology of pharmaceutical production and biotechnology, as well as chemical-technological and thermal energy training.
Mathematical modeling of control objects of chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers: training manual / Krasnikov I.L., Babichenko A.K., Velma V.I., Podustov M.O., Zaitsev O.I., Babichenko Yu.A. ; under the editorship A.K. Babichenko. – X. : Ed
GOP “S.A.M.”, 2015 – 224 p.
The textbook covers the basic principles of mathematical modeling and its application in determining the dynamic characteristics of objects of chemical and pharmaceutical technology. Analytical experimental and experimental-analytical methods of determining mathematical models for the most common typical objects are considered. Educational material of a general theoretical nature is presented, which is illustrated by a large number of examples.
The manual is intended for students of the specialty “Computer-integrated technological processes and production”. It can be useful for students of the chemical and technological direction of training, as well as specialists specializing in the field of automation.