Research work of the department
The Department has a certified research laboratory “Higher Fuel Efficiency and Better Performance of Diesel Traction”.
It provides the related services for the University and outside organizations.
Since its establishment, the Department has carried out research and development activity on modernization of the existing power installations for their better efficiency. Earlier it was solved in cooperation with enterprises and agencies of the former Soviet Union, and the combined success was owed much to the following schools of science:
– better technical and economic characteristics of internal combustion engines for transport facilities;
– better technical and economic characteristics of heat and power equipment for railway transport and other industries; and
– ecological issues on railway transport.
The department actively cooperated with many railways of the former USSR on the problems of thermal modernization of locomotives TE3, TE10, TEM2, TE116, ЧМЕ3. The extensive research was conducted in cooperation with many engine plants and design bureaus on improvements of the technical and economic performance of internal combustion engines of the СМД type for transport facilities. Among them are 2Д100, 10Д100, ЯМЗ-236, ЯМЗ-238, ПДГ-1М, ПДГ-2, 17ПДГ, 250ДГ, 6ЧН12/14, 12ЧН14/14, 6ЧН25/34, 8ЧН25/34, 6ЧН26/34, and 4ЧН8.5/11. The scientific developments were tested and implemented at industrial facilities. In 1983 Prof. A.E. Simson together with the researchers from the Design Bureau were awarded with the USSR State Prize of the development, research, and implementation of the СМД diesel engine with gas turbine supercharge.
In the late 1980s at the behest of the Ministry of Railways of the Soviet Union, the Department began to study the environmental issues on railway transport. It extended its activity to ecological issues and was awarded the status of the main institution for diesel generator power installations and ecology by the order of Ukrzaliznytsia. The staff of the Department has developed a number or standards for energy resources and ecological values. The department has been involved in the research into the application of new fuel, the reasons and consequences of soil contamination with disposals of railway transport enterprises, and the application of such disposals as fuel. The research laboratory has begun to develop the fuel flow-meter and to establish the ecological control station for diesel locomotive engines.
Nowadays the research activity of the Department includes modernization and improvement of diesel locomotives and diesel trains. It implies the research into the selection of structural and regulating parameters of D80 diesels, improvements for the forced-induction system of a 6ТД engine, improvements and implementation of the ecological control stations and the efficiency estimation technique for diesel locomotives at locomotive depots and repair plants.
The names and works of Prof. A.E. Simson, Prof. G.B. Rozenblit, Prof. O.A. Yarkho, and Prof. S.A. Yeroshchenkov are known to all specialists in the field across the CIS countries. Professors and Doctors of Engineering Sciences A.E. Simson, I.A. Koval, V.M. Zaionchkovsky, and Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Ass. Prof. O.A. Kurits were awarded with State Prizes of the former USSR and Ukraine for their contribution to the theory of working processes in forced-induction diesel engines, fuel installations for diesel engines, additional systems, ecology of diesel transport installations, and for their educational guidelines.