The student scientific group “Mathematical models and algorithms in applied problems in transport” works at the “Higher Mathematics and Physics” department.
The purpose of the organization of the student scientific group is a deeper study of the relationship between mathematical disciplines and other sciences. Application of mathematical methods in scientific research, development of cognitive and intellectual activity of students.
Tasks of the student scientific mathematical group:
- Acquaintance with the history of the development of mathematics, and its current state.
- Deeper study of some mathematical topics.
- Widening and increasing of knowledge, abilities and skills obtained at lectures and practical classes in the disciplines of the mathematical cycle.
- Ensuring interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines.
- Education of a creative attitude to the future profession, independence in studying theoretical material and collecting empirical data, responsibility for the decisions obtained during the research.
- Identification of the most capable and trained students who have a strong motivation for research work, creation of favorable conditions for their activities.
- Acquainting students with the standards of conducting scientific research and presenting its results.
- Assistance in the preparation of articles, scientific reports for participation in student conferences of various levels.
Students of the faculty of «Construction», faculty of «Mechanical and Energy» and the faculty of «Information and Control Systems and Technologies» participate in the work of the student scientific group.
Academic leaders of the student scientific group:
Oleg Osmayev, PhD (C.Sc. in physics and mathematics), associate professor:
ZOOM: Identifier: 966 6145 0650, access code: 2Nzp8h
Volodymyr Khrabustovskyi, PhD (C.Sc. in physics and mathematics), associate professor.
ZOOM: Identifier: 5065023663, access code: rHPE3х
Attached files:
Work plan of the student scientific group “Mathematical models and algorithms in applied problems in transport” for 2022-2023 academic year.