Educational and methodical work of the department
The department carries out extensive activities on methodological support of the educational process within the credit-module system, improvement of curricula and work programs.
Given that the disciplines of the department are taught as cycle of general education at all faculties and specialties of the university, full-time and part-time, for the entire period of the department’s teaching staff has developed and submitted to publication a large number of teaching materials. So, for the last 5-7 years it was issued:
BLIZNYUK LM, KUSHNIR OO, LYTVYNENKO OO, MOSPAN OP, NOS NM Ukrainian language (for professional purposes). Educational and methodical instructions. Part I
– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2016. – 26 p.
Educational and methodical instructions are developed according to the program of a course “Ukrainian language (on a professional direction)” and are calculated on foreign students of all railway specialties studying the Ukrainian language and the basic aspects of business communication by correspondence.
The instructions are an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)”, focused on intensive training of foreign students of the Ukrainian language of professional communication on the basis of business and scientific styles of speech.
The publication consists of two parts. The first part contains reference materials, the second part – 10 variants of control tasks with samples of their performance.
BLIZNYUK LM, KUSHNIR OO, LYTVYNENKO OO, MOSPAN OP, NOS NM Ukrainian language (for professional purposes). Educational and methodical instructions. Part II – Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2016. – 62 p.
Educational and methodical instructions are developed according to the program of a course “Ukrainian language (on a professional direction)” and are calculated on foreign students of all railway specialties studying the Ukrainian language and the basic aspects of business communication by correspondence.
The instructions are an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)”, focused on intensive training of foreign students of the Ukrainian language of professional communication on the basis of business and scientific styles of speech.
The publication consists of two parts. The first part contains reference materials, the second part – 10 variants of control tasks with samples of their performance.
BLIZNYUK LM, KOLESNYK KE, SNIZHKO IA, TSELUYKO ME ARBUZOV GF, YEREMEYEVA K.A. History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture. Seminar plans. Part I
– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2017. – 62 p.
The publication is prepared in accordance with the working program of the course, is part of the educational and methodological complex of the integrated discipline “History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture”.
Methodical recommendations on the organization of independent work of students, topics and plans of seminars, questions for discussion, self-control and testing, tasks for individual and collective performance, the maintenance of key concepts, personalities, the list of the most important events, the list of the recommended literature are resulted. Designed for first-year students of all specialties of full-time education.
BLYZNYUK LM, KOLESNYK KE, SNIZHKO IA, TSELUYKO ME ARBUZOV GF, YEREMEYEVA KA History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture. Seminar plans. Part II- Kharkiv:UkrSURT, 2017. – 74 p.
The publication is prepared in accordance with the working program of the course, is part of the educational and methodological complex of the integrated discipline “History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture”.
Methodical recommendations on the organization of independent work of students, topics and plans of seminars, questions for discussion, self-control and testing, tasks for individual and collective performance, the maintenance of key concepts, personalities, the list of the most important events, the list of the recommended literature are resulted. Designed for first-year students of all specialties of full-time education.
SNIZHKO I.A. Ukrainian national revival of the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries: Lecture notes on the subject “History of Ukrainian culture”
– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2017.-70 p.
The synopsis of the lecture is prepared in accordance with the curriculum and is part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “History of Ukrainian Culture”.
The syllabus of the lecture covers the process of Ukrainian national and cultural revival of the late XVIII – XIX centuries.
Issues of development of education, science, literature, architecture and art are considered. Particular attention is paid to the process of uniting the spiritual efforts of the national elite of the eastern and western Ukrainian lands, the growth of the national consciousness of the Ukrainian people. Recommended for university students of all areas of full-time and part-time study.
BLIZNYUK LM, KOLESNYK KE, KRAVCHENKO OV, SNIZHKO IA, TSELUYKO ME ARBUZOV GF, YEREMEYEVA K.A. History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture. Methodical instructions for independent work.
– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2017. – 70 p.
The publication is prepared in accordance with the working program of the course, is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the integrated discipline “History of Ukraine named after Ukrainian culture”.
The main problems of each topic of the course, questions for self-control, the content of key demands, personalities, a list of the most important events, tasks for tests, a list of recommended reading are given.
Recommended for part-time students.