Leaders of the group:
Lohvinenko Oleksandr, Ph.D. (Tech), associate professor.
Zakharchenko Vyacheslav, Ph.D. (Tech), associate professor.
The student scientific group includes students who have shown a desire and inclination to research work aimed at solving topical problems in applied mechanics and machine parts aimed at improving the design of mechanisms of modern technical means of railway transport. The activity of the group corresponds to the main areas of scientific work of the Department of Mechanics and Machine Design.
The purpose of the activity of the scientific group is to involve students in solving topical problems in applied mechanics and machine parts, as well as important scientific problems in creating new and improving existing transport technical means, improving the quality of general engineering training of future railway specialists of transport of Ukraine.
The main tasks of the group are:
- familiarization with the principles, methods, tools of scientific and research work;
- identifying the most talented and interested students, stimulating interest in order to increase creative and intellectual potential for solving future problems in further education, scientific and professional activities;
- development of creative scientific and technical thinking, classical and creative approaches to solving engineering problems, spreading of scientific horizons;
- mastering modern methods, formation and development of independent organizational skills and conducting scientific research;
- involvement of students to participate in scientific activities on the department’s issues;
- increasing motivation and ensuring students’ participation in conducting scientific conferences, competitions, scientific seminars of the department and the university, Olympiads and thematic forums;
- familiarization with the features of design, construction and functioning of the main mechanisms of specialized technical means of railway transport;
- deepening students’ knowledge of general engineering disciplines by equipping them with modern methods of research, design and construction of mechanisms and their practical use for solving specific engineering tasks;
- formation of skills in using the acquired theoretical knowledge when solving practical tasks.