About the department
The department teaches 34 leading disciplines. The most important of them are “Reliability and technical diagnostics of railway roling stock”, “General structure of locomotives and their interaction with technical means of railway transport”, “Internal combustion engines”, “Fundamentals of locomotive operation”, “Organization of locomotive repair production”, “Theory and design of locomotives “,” Theory of locomotive traction “,” The latest technologies to ensure energy conservation of traction rolling stock “, “Modern information technology in the locomotive industry “, “Fundamentals of determining the life cycle of traction rolling stock “.
Throughout its existence, the department constantly trains scientific personnel in the locomotive industry and defends dissertations in specialized scientific boards of the academy and other scientific institutions.
There are scientific schools at the department. These are the following scientific schools: the school of professor Sergii Zhalkin in the direction of economy and reliability of locomotives taking into account seasonal operation; the school of professor Oleksandr Babanin on the development of maintenance and repair, technical diagnostics and logistics; the school of professor Oleksandr Ustenko in the direction of improving the methods of technical operation of traction rolling stock of railways and subways; the school of professor Volodymyr Puzyr in the direction of pre-route control of locomotives and locomotive crews, introduction of technical diagnostics, certification and licensing of locomotive depots; the school of professor Anatolii Falendish in the direction of the complex of assessment of the technical level and operational efficiency of traction rolling stock, development of new types of locomotives and diesel trains; the school of professor Denis Zhalkin in the direction of improving the design, maintenance and control systems of diesel engines, taking into account seasonal operation; the school of professor Oleksandr Krasheninin in the direction of extending the service life of traction rolling stock.
The main results of research work are following: the department created a laboratory of information technology and mathematical modeling, developed and approved a sectoral concept for the development of diagnostic systems in the locomotive industry, made samples of electronic regulators for diesel generators, created a laboratory of automatic control systems and microprocessor traction rolling stock.
The specialists of the department are constantly involved in the development of technical documentation, creation, research and testing of new domestic rolling stock.
Leading scientists of the department, performing research work commissioned by railway enterprises of Ukraine, carry out the creation of new and processing of existing technological processes for maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock.
The Department of Rolling Stock Operation and Repair is the main scientific organization of Ukrzaliznytsia for locomotives and diesel trains, and its specialists are constantly involved in the development of new types of locomotives of the fourth and fifth generation.
The basis for the training of highly qualified specialists is the research work of students in the field of creating and testing a new generation of traction rolling stock, development and implementation of new technologies for the restoration of locomotive components.
The pride and authority of the department is formed not only at the expense of disciplines, laboratories and scientific schools – first of all it is its graduates that the department is proud of. In different years, they have held or are holding senior positions today. Among them, Professor SM Kutsenko, Head of the Department of Locomotive Building, NTU “KhPI”, Anatolii Lashko – former Deputy General Director of Ukrzaliznytsia, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology; Yurii Fedyushin – former Deputy General Director of Ukrzaliznytsia; Victor Ostapchuk – People’s Deputy of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of construction and architecture, Hero of Ukraine; Mykola Sergienko – First Deputy General Director of Ukrzaliznytsia, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Sergii Zhalkin – Professor, PhD (Tech), Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Oleksandr Ustenko is a professor, D.Sc. (Tech), academician of the Transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, dean of the Faculty of «Mechanical and Energy» of UkrSURT and many others.