History of the department
During the organization of Kharkiv Institute of Transport Engineers in 1930, the Department of Locomotive Industry was established among the first departments. At the beginning of the 1936/1937 academic year, by order of the head of the Institute №286, this department was separated into an independent department “Organization of rolling stock repair”, headed by engineer V.Ya. Zhuravliov.
In 1942, the department was renamed to the Department of “Organization of production at locomotive repair plants”, the head of which Professor A.I. Dovzhenko was appointed, and in 1943 this department was renamed to “Repair Plants”.
The Department of Locomotive Industry was also renamed to the Department of “Rolling Stock Operation”, which was headed by Associate Professor I.A. Potapov.
In September 1956, these two departments were merged into one under the name “Operation and repair of rolling stock.” The first head of the department was Associate Professor M. Frankov.
From 1986 to 2017 the head of the department was Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, D.Sc. (Tech), Professor Eduard Tartakovsky.
Since 2017, the head of of the department is D.Sc. (Tech), Professor Volodymyr Puzyr.