Research work of the department
The branch research laboratory of the ERRS department has an opportunity to carry out research works in the field of rail transport in the following directions:
- development of new types of railway rolling stock;
- operational tests of traction rolling stock, single units and assemblies, materials;
- improving the organization and technology of maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock;
- rolling stock safety systems and devices;
- resource and energy saving technologies;
- diagnosing and forecasting the technical condition of rolling stock and its units;
- development of quality management systems for locomotive repair enterprises.
Development of normative and design documentation:
- industry standards, instructions, rules, etc .;
- rolling stock modernization projects, re-equipment projects with technological and test equipment;
- instructions, sets of documents for the technological process of repair.
Carrying out of works on definition of organizational and technical level of locomotive repair manufactures and the enterprises on operation of traction rolling stock.
Development of educational multimedia programs, films, poster products on the design, maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock.
Development, manufacture and implementation of training complexes for locomotive drivers, means of pre-trip and post-trip control.
Development, manufacture and implementation of modern diagnostic, testing and technological equipment for locomotive repair industries.
Completed works:
Research works:
- “Research and determination of the optimal set of parameters, modes of their receipt and processing to reflect the technical condition of locomotives in order to ensure the construction of an automated system for their diagnosis and organization of repairs on the run”
- “Development of the project of the description of technological process of management of repair and diagnostics of electric locomotives in ACS by locomotive economy”
- “Development and implementation of ISO9001 quality system at the enterprises of the Dnieper Railway”
- “Development of an electronic passport of the locomotive depot”
- “Conducting research to determine the operational reliability of locomotive crews of the Odessa-Zastava depot”
- “Carrying out of researches and development of technology of carrying out reconstruction works by reconstruction means of the railways of Ukraine”
- “Research and development of video surveillance system for locomotive traffic conditions”
- “Conducting research and development of electronic device for decoding and analysis of radio conversations of locomotive crews”
- “Development of the project of technology of information interaction of linear, level of the railway and Ukrzaliznytsia in the part of the information on a technical condition and passport data”
- “Development of methodological support for information interaction of the chief technologist with ASK VP UZ in terms of maintaining the electronic passport of the locomotive”
- “Study of the design of electric locomotive driver’s cabins on the possibility of using microprocessor control to ensure modern ergonomic requirements and electrical safety of locomotive crews”
- “Development of a prototype of a specialized stand for testing plunger pairs high pressure fuel pumps locomotives in cooperation with the technical means of ACS T”
- “Development of technical requirements for TRC repair quality control devices in their interaction with the means of ACS T”
- “Development of the concept and basic provisions of the system of maintenance and repair of electric locomotives 2EL5 and 2ES5K according to the actual technical condition”
Developed normative documentation :
- Album of forms of primary documentation of locomotive economy;
- Regulations on certification of enterprises for maintenance of traction rolling stock of interbranch industrial railway transport;
- Regulations on certification of enterprises for maintenance and repair of special self-propelled rolling stock of railway transport;
- Regulations on certification of enterprises for maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock
- Regulations on attestation of traction rolling stock operation sections
- Typical guidelines for the quality of the locomotive depot
- Recommendations for techniques for decoding speed measuring tapes
- Instructions for use of the complex of operational vibrodiagnostics “Forecast”
- Instructions on color flaw detection of critical parts and components during repairs
Developed equipment for locomotive repair industries:
- Automated test bench for plunger pairs of high pressure fuel pumps for diesel locomotives.
- Automated test bench for fuel injectors of diesel locomotives.
- A training complex for locomotive crews