Code: 49462

Specialty: 071 Accounting and Taxation

Faculty: Faculty of «Economics»

IEE: OEE (Foreign language), Professional exam,

Passing score of past years: 200

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 1y 4m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 27325

Training form: full

Training period: II - Master's degree (educational and professional program)
1 year 4 months / 3 semesters

Educational level: master

Introduction year: 2021

Guarantor of the educational program
The guarantor of the educational program “Accounting, audit and taxation” is Doctor of Economics, professor A. G. Kirdina.

Purpose of training in the educational program
Obtaining knowledge taking into account the emphasis on taxation and strategic aspects of solving complex specialized tasks based on research and innovation in the conditions of uncertainty and complexity of the business environment with deep use of modern accounting, analytical and control procedures in the format of information and communication technologies.

Recipients of the educational program
Graduates of general secondary education institutions who dream of:

Accounting for commercial transactions of entities and individuals
Preparation or audit of financial accounts
Checking invoices and confirming their accuracy
Preparation of tax returns for individuals or businesses
consulting services and customer representation services with tax authorities
Study in the program provides knowledge, skills and abilities, ability to apply knowledge and form judgments for
stable and decent earnings due to the constant demand for specialists;
development of logical thinking;
developing skills for learning and continuous improvement;
improving self-discipline;
awareness of changes in laws;
communication with various interesting people.
Employment opportunities
as an independent specialist in providing accounting, tax and other reporting services;
auditor (external auditor);
forensic accounting expert both for business and in the relevant state bodies;
chief accountant;
management accounting specialist;
commercial director;
tax inspector;
inspector in the financial departments of the Treasury, financial inspections;
an employee of any department of bank (from an ordinary operator to the head of a bank);
a teacher in an educational institution (after receiving a master’s degree in the educational program “Accounting and Taxation”).
Additional information
A person who has a master’s degree in accounting and taxation has the right to obtain a PhD degree while studying in the post-graduate department. Admission of a person with the master’s degree in accounting and taxation for obtaining a PhD degree is based on the results of entrance tests.