Customs control on transport (railway transport)

Code: 28353

Specialty: 275 Transport Technology (Railway Transport)

Faculty: Faculty of «Transportation Process Management»

IEE: OEE (Foreign language), Professional exam,

Passing score of past years: 200

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 1y 4m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 15700

Training form: full

Training period: 1 year 4 months / 3 terms – 90 credits

Educational level: master

Introduction year: 2021

Guarantor of the Educational Program

Guarantor of the educational program – prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences Ogar Oleksandr Mikolayovych

Goals of Educational Programme

The aim of the programme is to ensure the training of highly qualified specialists capable of identifying and solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of export-transport organization Import and Transit International Traffic of Goods and Passengers in international rail transport under Customs control of the movement of goods, passengers and rolling stock through the acquisition of professional competence. These competencies are provided through appropriate forms of education, information and communication technologies and strong university logistics, human resources, finance and information resources.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

The programme is addressed to applicants interested in obtaining knowledge in the field of organization of transport and customs support of foreign economic activity in the organization and transport of international goods when moving and crossing the customs border of Ukraine. The main feature of the programme is the acquisition of systematic knowledge on the organization and implementation of customs formalities in transport in accordance with Ukrainian customs legislation and laws.

Professional Competences of the Educational Programme

– Basic training in accordance with the standard of higher education in the specialty «Transport technologies (railway transport)» is extended by the following special training:
– The concepts of the bases of customs legislation and the rules for cooperation between customs authorities and rail transport are being established;
– In accordance with the terms of foreign economic contracts, professional skills are acquired in the organization of customs controls on the movement and passage of goods, vehicles and other items across the customs border of Ukraine; Identification and preparation of documentation for the Customs clearance of international transport;
– Study of the main components and specifics of customs control in transport, the main customs control regimes, methods and technical means; customs regulations at the customs border;
– The rules and procedures for customs control and clearance of the movement and passage of passengers, goods, means of transport and other items across customs borders; the rules for defining customs regimes; The basis for the analysis of compliance with foreign economic contracts of customs legislation;
– Study of the basis for the definition and identification of goods for declaration; the basis for determining the customs value of the goods; the rules for completing the goods customs declaration;
– Measures to prevent smuggling, illegal movement of goods across customs borders and violations of customs regulations are being studied;
– Develop skills in risk analysis for customs in transport;
– Consideration is being given to the requirements for the placement of equipment and equipment in the design of customs control posts;
– the concepts of taxation of foreign economic transactions when moving across the customs border of Ukraine are being formed.

Employment Opportunities

Work in «Land transport», railway industry, freight forwarding companies, economic entities with foreign economic activities, agency and brokerage companies
Additional Information
The educational programme gives graduates the opportunity to realize themselves both in the transport sector and in business structures connected with transport and customs support of foreign economic activity.