Enterprise Economics

Code: 1471

Specialty: 051 Economics

Faculty: Faculty of «Economics»

IEE: Ukrainian language and literature, Professional exam, Maths or Geography or Physics or Chemistry or Foreign language

Passing score of past years: 100

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 1y 10m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 14350

Training form: shortened

Training period: І - bachelors degree
Based on the educational and qualification level of a associate degree or a bachelors degree - 1 year 10 months / 4 semesters

Educational level: bachelor

Introduction year: 2021

Goals of the Educational Programme

Provide economic education in the field of business economics with wide access to employment and further studies. Formation and development of general and professional competencies, providing various types of  employment and career development, which aimed at the student’s obtaining of economic knowledge; further professional growth.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

The program is addressed to applicants who focus on modern professional and scientific achievements in the field of economics, want to know the specifics of the economic and the enterprises in different forms of ownership.

Scientific program provides skills and abilities, the ability to apply knowledge and different opportunities:

The emphasis is making on gaining knowledge of business economics, which provides employment and opportunities for further education, career self-determination and career growth.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates can work in public and private business structures; perform labor duties in the civil service; to practice educational and scientific activities in higher educational institutions and research centers.

Additional Information

The bachelor can continue his studies in the second (master’s) field of economics (which is consistent with the received bachelor’s degree) or related – master’s (educational-scientific / educational-professional) programs of higher education.

Department of “Economics”, “Finance, banking and insurance”, suggest: education and qualification level of Doctor of Philosophy; organization of the educational process in classrooms equipped with modern multimedia equipment, with conducting audio and video courses within the professional disciplines of the specialty and the possibility of distance learning; opportunity to enter postgraduate studies and defend PhD/doctoral dissertations in the specialized academic council operating;

The development of international cooperation is one of important focus areas which is embodied in the implementation of joint projects and programmes, publishing joint study guides, organization of events with involvement of foreign specialists. The faculty constantly works on development of cultural, academic, methodological and interdepartmental relations with higher education establishments both of Ukraine and other countries.

Knowledge learned through higher education at our faculty gives an opportunity for our graduates to work at transport enterprises, state organizations, investment and insurance companies, banks, research institutes, in the industry, trade, construction sectors, small-scale business etc. They also work at structural units of enterprises that perform marketing, sales, foreign economic, analytical and other activities.