Intelligent Information Technology

Code: 1129

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of «Information and Control Systems and Technologies»

IEE: OEE (Foreign language), Professional exam,

Passing score of past years: 200

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 1y 4m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 15700

Training form: full

Training period: 1.4 years / 3 semesters – 90 credits

Educational level: master

Introduction year: 2021

Guarantor of the Educational Program

Karhin Anatolii Oleksiiovych

Goals of the Educational Programme

Information technologies are used everywhere nowadays: whether it is a modern production, mechanical or instrument-making, agriculture or product processing, services provided in any industry. Smart devices in household appliances, search engines and Internet services have become an essential part of our daily lives. Nowadays scientists, engineers and programmers aim to create intelligent machines and the Internet of things, which combine modern achievements in microelectronics, sensor technology, web technology, wireless technology, design and programming with artificial intelligence methods and models, theories of cognitive sciences and the latest achievements in the information processing by the human brain. This is our future, which is being created today. The world’s leading IT firms have focused on these promising projects. The purpose of the educational program is to train specialists who are aware of modern information technologies and capable of designing complex digital solutions and mastering intelligent information technologies: creating a fragment of the Internet of Things and educational intelligent machine, intelligent sensory data processing, programming the interaction between intelligent systems and components Internet of Things via the M2M protocol, wireless transmission of information from sensors to the Internet, processing and storage of data in cloud structures and intelligent analysis of large amounts of data.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

Students, bachelors, who have information technology knowledge, have experience in developing computer programs for any application, are fond of technology, want to assemble their own work, such as LEGO, connect a microprocessor, sensors, web-camera, wireless modules and program it all. Students, bachelors, who aim to become professionals in creating new smart things, programs or even systems.

Professional Competences of the Educational Programme:

Basic “Computer Engineering is expanded by the following special training.
The cycle of training in programming and software development
Languages: Python, C ++;
Web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, CMS, JavaScript, jQuery, Django;
Design: Rational Software Architect;

Artificial intelligence training cycle

Artificial neural networks;
Fuzzy systems;
Machine learning;
Training cycle on technologies for the development of “smart” systems
Theory of intellectual, cognitive and emotional machines;
Technologies for creating applications for sensor systems;
Technologies for creating applications for Arduino, Raspbery, esp microprocessors;
Technologies for creating “Internet of Things” applications;
Technologies for creating applications for “smart systems”.

Employment Opportunities

Every year the world leaders in the sphere of information technologies, such as IBM, MicroSoft, Google, Tesla, Amazon and others, their offices around the world, need tens of thousands of qualified specialists to develop systems such as smart home, office. In the next five to ten years, this demand for specialists will increase significantly in accordance with the society growth. A lot of specialists who are able to support high-tech and intellectual production are already needed in the sphere of domestic industry focused on Western technologies. Over time, intellectual production complexes will prevail in the economies of developed countries.

Additional Information

Teachers of the graduating “Information Technology” department, who provide the educational process, have more than a quarter of centuries of experience in the sphere of software for automated smart production. It is enough to mention that the mathematical and software support of one of the first smart system of unmanned production in the world (1990) – a shop-automatic electroplating – was developed under the leadership of the head of the graduating department. The first graduation of masters in this educational program took place in 2017. The topics of the master’s project works are devoted to the creation of a model of individual components of a smart car, namely some functions of a steward robot and the Internet of Things. You can check the master’s project work presentation at the photos below.