Organization of international transportation

Code: 19953

Specialty: 275 Transport Technology (Railway Transport)

Faculty: Faculty of «Transportation Process Management»

IEE: OEE (Foreign language), Professional exam,

Passing score of past years: 200

License volume / Number of budget seats: -

Training period: 1y 4m

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 15700

Training form: full

Training period: 1 year 4 months / 3 semesters - 90 credits

Educational level: master

Introduction year: 2021

Guarantor of the educational program

Guarantor of the educational program – prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences Prokhorchenko Andriy Volodymyrovych

Goals of the Educational Programme

Goals of the Educational Programme are to train specialists who are capable of solving complex problems and problems of the transport industry in the field of international transport systems and technologies. The educational program allows to master the following learning outcomes (competencies): to acquire integrated competence – the ability to solve complex problems and problems in the field of Organization of International Traffic. To get the general skills by the ability to work in an international context; the ability to generate new ideas (creativity) the ability to identify, pose and solve problems. To acquire professional skills in the ability to manage freight and passenger traffic with special attention to the processes that accompany international transport; ability to manage the reliability and efficiency of international supply chains; ability to take into account the impact of customs procedures in the formation of transport technologies; ability to use modern computer software products in the field of international transportation, in particular in the interaction of rail with other modes of transport; ability to develop and apply tariff policy of transport companies, organize the work of multimodal terminals and border transmission railway stations; ability to build transport and logistics schemes for delivery of goods in international traffic; ability to use modern computer software products in the organization of international transportation.
As a result of the training, knowledge and skills will be acquired for the development of freight and passenger transportation technologies in international traffic using mathematical modeling of transportation processes. Investigate the impact of customs regulation and permitting systems of different countries on the efficiency of international freight transport.
Recipients of the Educational Programme
The program is addressed to applicants with a bachelor’s, master’s degree (educational qualification level of a specialist), and who are interested in gaining knowledge in the field of organization of transportation of goods and passengers in international traffic by different modes of transport, taking into account modern approaches.
Training in the program provides the following amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to apply knowledge and form judgments:
Within the educational program are studied:

– modern concepts and technologies used in the construction and management of global supply chains;
– norms of international transport law and the specifics of concluding international agreements;
– modern technologies of cargo and passenger transportation in international traffic;
– transport and logistics schemes of cargo delivery in international traffic;
– basic principles of transportation organization by different modes of transport;
– principles of creating tariff systems in international traffic;
– interoperability of transport systems;
– principles of a systematic approach to the organization of transport corridors with the participation of different modes of transport. The specifics of the functioning of the network of freight railway corridors TEN-T, the construction of railway transport corridors on the principle of One-Stop Shop. Transportation models within The New Silk Road.
– information technologies in the management of transportation processes in international traffic, the organization of multimodal transportation.

Knowledge, skills and abilities to build international supply chains taking into account customs regulation and permit systems of different countries, the organization of safe, efficient and economical transportation of goods and passengers are invaluable in the labor market.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the educational program “Organization of International Transportation” can work at transport enterprises, including railway transport enterprises; in companies that provide customs brokerage, logistics and freight forwarding services; in stevedoring companies; bodies of state regulation of transport; international transport departments of organizations and enterprises (USPA, Ukrainian Railways, etc.); structural subdivisions of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Сustoms of the State Fiscal Service), etc.
Additional Information
The specifics of international transportation, in particular, in the interaction of rail and sea transport, is well known to the teaching staff of our university. Within the educational program much attention is paid to:
• Practice;
• Business English;
• Knowledge of modern transportation technologies in international traffic;
• Work with software.