Railcars and transport engineering

Code: 24106

Specialty: 273 Railway transport

Faculty: Faculty of «Mechanical and Energy»

IEE: Ukrainian language and literature, Maths, Physics or Foreign language

Passing score of past years: 107.26

License volume / Number of budget seats: 20/8

Training period: 3y. 10m.

Contract price (1 year/UAH): 13800

Training form: full

Training period: І - bachelor's
on the basis of complete general secondary education - 3 years 10 months / 8 semesters

Educational level: bachelor

Introduction year: 2021

Goals of the Educational Programme

“Transport Engineering” is the application of technology and scientific principles to the design, operation and logistics management of facilities for any mode of transport to ensure safe, efficient, fast, comfortable, convenient, economical and environmentally safe movement of passengers and cargo. Transport engineering is widely used in all modes of transport, in particular, rail and others.

The purpose of training in the program “Wagons and Transport Engineering” is  gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of carriage and methods of design, development, analysis and operation of vehicles and their components.

Recipients of the Educational Programme

The program is addressed to applicants who are interested in gaining knowledge in the field of railway carriages and transport engineering.

A significant advantage of the educational program “Wagons and Transport Engineering” is the opportunity for the applicant to apply their knowledge not only in railway transport, but also in related industries.

Training in the program provides the following amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to apply knowledge and form judgments:

Future specialists after mastering the program will be able to:

  • design, maintain and operate vehicles;
  • to develop a new design of cars;
  • apply methods of logistics management of traffic flows;
  • design on-board automatic rolling stock systems and diagnostic and control systems;
  • develop means of vehicle monitoring;
  • automate production;
  • ensure the reliability of rolling stock;
  • count vehicles and mechanical systems for strength;
  • to study the kinematics and dynamics of vehicles;
  • know the principle of operation and design features of the system of automatic brakes of rolling stock;
  • know the design and principle of operation of electrical, electronic and refrigeration equipment of rolling stock;
  • know the technology of construction, maintenance and repair of cars;
  • solve non-standard professional problems by applying standard methods (algorithms) of activity and search for new technological solutions in car building and transport engineering;
  • apply modern advanced methods and technologies of repair production and advanced experience of transport engineering;
  • to master modern software packages and use them for mathematical modeling of rolling stock.
  • use computer methods to collect and process information used in transport.

Employment Opportunities

Domestic industry and the industry of the world today need a lot of specialists who are able to develop modern vehicles and support high-tech and intelligent production for their construction, maintenance and repair.

After graduating from the university under this program, engineers work at transport companies, car repair and car-building plants, in design and research organizations, both in Ukraine and abroad.

Additional Information

International activities.

Students have the opportunity to study in-depth foreign languages (English, Polish, etc.) and participate in the international ERASMUS + program.. Master’s students have the opportunity to study under the program “Two diplomas” and after graduation receive 2 diplomas – European (Polish or French) and domestic (Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport). For more detailed information, please contact the International Relations Department of  Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Obtaining working professions and working in student groups.

Students have the opportunity to additionally get working professions: conductor of passenger cars, locksmith for rolling stock repair, car inspector and work during the academic year and in the summer in student labor groups, combining work with training. Also have an internship in paid jobs and receive education in a dual form of education.

Cooperation with production.

Enterprises and organizations that actively cooperate with the graduating department: car and passenger depots of Ukrainian Railway,  Research and Production Enterprise  “ХАРТРОН-ЭКСПРЕСС ЛТД”, State Enterprise “Ukrainian Research Institute of Carriage”, PJSC Kryukiv Carriage Plant, car repair enterprises of the Ukrainian Railways , PJSC «Азовмаш»  and other research and design enterprises and design organizations related to transport and wagon economy. The department also works closely with leading manufacturers of bearing assemblies for rolling stock, namely: SKF, Timken and Brenco.