25 September 2024

10th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Reliability and durability of railway transport engineering structures and buildings”

Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Transport Academy of Ukraine, Academy of Construction of Ukraine, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre in the Kharkiv Region, LLC “Mapei Ukraine”, LLC “MC-Bauchemie”, LLC “KRT Corporation”, LLC “RS-Engineering”, State Enterprise “National Institute for Infrastructure Development”

invite you to participate in the work of the

10th International Scientific and Technical Conference


Date and venue: November 20-22, 2021, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The purpose of the conference is to improve research work, exchange experiences, implement advanced research methods, expand international cooperation, and establish business contacts and commercial ties.

The conference program includes the work of the following sections:

Section «Transportation ways, traffic safety and transport management»

Section «Structures, Buildings and Facilities»

Section «Construction Materials, Protection and Repair of Structures and Buildings»

Ukrainian, English


Аccepted materials will be published in the electronic collection of abstracts on the conference website https://kart.edu.ua/?p=75455 and the university website https://kart.edu.ua/en/. Electronic certificates for participants will be issued and available for download from the website. If desired, conference participants may submit an article in the original language for publication in the scientific journal of UkrSURT https://kart.edu.ua/en/unit/collected-sw-ukrsurt, which is included in the list of specialized publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under category “B” and indexed in databases like Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, etc. The guidelines for preparing abstracts and articles are available on the conference and UkrSURT journal websites.


Participation in the conference, publication of electronic abstracts, publication of articles in the UkrSURT Scientific Journal, and issuance of electronic participant certificates are free of charge. Publication in the AIP Conference Proceedings electronic journal will require a separate fee. The cost of one publication in the AIP Conference Proceedings journal will depend on the number of participants, but no less than $100.

Plenary Session of Transbud-2024:

Time: November 20, 2024, at 10:00 AM
Join the Zoom conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89237342278?pwd=0ildrL6aVWVjSb80kIBuvc8C6rgbAw.1
Meeting ID: 892 3734 2278
Access Code: 026824

Section «Transportation ways, traffic safety and transport management»
Time: November 20, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Join the Zoom conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86122767867?pwd=d9IU0aJRztR3THns0KpcFTxMAfLgLm.1
Meeting ID: 861 2276 7867
Access Code: 691839

Section «Structures, Buildings and Facilities»
Time: November 20, 2024
Join the Zoom conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2864438465?pwd=bkhtRlNxL3E3SnZCTU1oSFNHcHJNQT09
Meeting ID: 286 443 8465
Access Code:

Section «Construction Materials, Protection and Repair of Structures and Buildings»
Time: November 20, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Join the Zoom conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7292797732?pwd=cHp3U2NqeFo1enlUcUMwajRqR0ozZz09
Meeting ID: 729 279 7732
Access Code: 0

You can familiarize yourself with the materials from the previous TransBud-2021 conference by following this link: http://conf.kart.edu.ua/uk-UA/

To register for the 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of Reliability and Durability of Engineering Structures and Buildings in Railway Transport”, you need to fill out and submit the electronic form by October 15, 2024, which is available at the following link, or send the completed and signed paper copy to the Organizing Committee at transbud2024@ukr.net.

The registration form can also be submitted electronically via this link: https://forms.gle/MCKBJAFk6AWgTq1S9


Yevhen KorostelovPh.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Research Department of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Dmytro PotapovPh.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Track and Transport Structures of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Volodymyr VitolbergPh.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Track and Transport Structures of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Nadiia MuryginaHead of the Laboratory of the Department of Railway Track and Transport Structures of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)


Address:Address: Feiierbakh square, 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050
Phones: +38-099-78-59-524, +38-067-67-88-081, +38-050-65-19-979

AIP Conference Proceedings Requirements

The conference organizers have secured the opportunity to publish conference articles in the electronic journal AIP Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by scientometric databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and others. Articles written in English, with a length of 6-9 pages, formatted according to the publisher’s requirements, will be accepted for publication. The approximate cost of publishing an article is 100 USD. The final cost will be determined after clarifying the number of articles.

According to the publication conditions, one of the authors must attend the conference. No more than two articles submitted by the same author will be included in the proceedings. The author team should not exceed five people, and no more than four authors may belong to the same organization. As per the publisher’s requirements, a presentation must be made at the conference based on the published material. The accompanying presentation slides must be in English.

To ensure timely publication, participants must send their articles in .doc or .docx format and a scanned copy of the signed author’s agreement to the Secretariat at transbud2024@ukr.net by November 15, 2024.

We remind you that the presentations for the Transbud-2024 conference must be in English. We wish all participants fruitful work and new creative achievements!


Sergii Panchenko
Ph.D., Professor, Acting Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Romualdas Kliukas


Dr., Professor, Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Olena Voskobiynyk
Ph.D., Director of the Department of Technical Regulation in Construction at the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Yuzef Tuley
Ph.D., Board Member of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (Ukraine)
Artur Kagramanyan
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Educational Work at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Andrii Plugin
Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Railway Track and Transport Structures at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Yurii Kundryukov
Head of the Main Department of the State Geocadastre in Kharkiv Region (Ukraine)
Artem Bezuglyi
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the State Enterprise “National Infrastructure Development Institute” (Ukraine)


Section «Transportation ways, traffic safety and transport management»  

Andriy Pluhin
Ph.D., Professor, Head of Railway Track and Transport Facilities Department, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Sergii Voronin
Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Machine Engineering and Technical Service of Machines, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Yevgeniia Ugnenko
Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Surveys and Design of Transport Connections, Geodesy, and Land Management, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Predrag DašićDr., Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management, Organizational Sciences, Work Health and Safety, Engineering Academy of Serbia (Serbia)
Juraj GerliciDr.Ing., Prof., Prof. h.c., Head of Department of Transport and Handling Machines, University of Zilina (Slovak Republic)
Markus LaglerDipl.-Ing., BA, BSc, Univ. Ass., Technischen Universität Wien (Austria)
Olegas PrentkovskisDr., Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Transport Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Jūratė Sužiedelytė-VisockienėDr. Eng., Head of Department of Geodesy and Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Oleg AhafonovDirector of the Geodesic Division of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Main Research and Production Institute of Engineering and Technical and Environmental Surveys” (Ukraine)
Oleksandr GorbPh.D., General Director of LLC “Navigation and Geodesy Center” (Ukraine)
Eduard DanilenkoPh.D., Professor of the Department of Railway Track and Track Management, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (Ukraine)
Oleksiy PalantPh.D., Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O.M. Beketov (Ukraine)
Olena SlavynskaPh.D., Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of the National Transport University (Ukraine)
Oleksii TyutkinPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Infrastructure, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Ukraine)
Anatolii TsynkaPh.D., First Deputy Director of the State Enterprise “National Infrastructure Development Institute” (Ukraine)
Gryhoriy ShariiPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Roads, Geodesy, and Land Management, National University “Poltava Polytechnic” named after Yu. Kondratyuk (Ukraine)
Volodymyr YaremenkoPh.D., Director of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Main Research and Production Institute of Engineering and Technical and Environmental Surveys” (Ukraine)

 Section «Structures, Buildings and Facilities»  

Oleksiy Lobyak
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Construction Mechanics and Hydraulics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Aliona Lovska
Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Andriy BamburaPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Reliability of Building and Structure Designs,

State Enterprise “Research Institute of Building Constructions” (Ukraine)

Zinoviy BlikharskyiPh.D., Professor, Director of the Institute of Construction and Environmental Engineering, National University “Lviv Polytechnic” (Ukraine)
Oleksandr VainbergPh.D., Professor, Chief Advisor to the General Director of JSC “Ukrhydroproject” (Ukraine)
Yevhenii KlymenkoPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Transport Facilities, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Vitalii KozhushkoPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Bridges, Structures, and Construction Mechanics, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (Ukraine)
Oleksandr SemkoPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Construction, National University “Poltava Polytechnic” named after Yu. Kondratyuk (Ukraine)

 Section «Construction Materials, Protection and Repair of Structures and Buildings»

Dmytro Plugin
Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Building Materials, Structures, and Facilities, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Arkadii PluginPh.D., Professor, Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Olga BorziakDr. hab. inż., Profesor uczelni, Katedra Fizyki Budowli i Materiałów Budowlanych, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie (Poland)
Teresa RucińskaDr hab. inż., Prof., Kierownik Katedry Fizyki Budowli i Materiałów Budowlanych, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie (Poland)
Ion RusuDr. hab., Prof. univ., Department of Transport Infrastructure Engineering, Technical University of Moldova (Moldova)
Marco FaccinDr., General Manager of “Mapei Ukraina” LLC (Milano, Italia – Kyiv, Ukraine)
Hans-Bertram FisherDr.-Ing., F.A.Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde, Bauhaus Universität Weimar (Deutschland), Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Wenzhong ZhuDr, Reader in Civil Engineering, School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Science, University of the West of Scotland (UK)
Wenzhong ZhuDr, Reader in Civil Engineering, School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Science, University of the West of Scotland (UK)
Artem PryymachenkoPh.D., Director of LLC “MC-Bauchemie”
Kateryna PushkaryovaPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Building Materials, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Myroslav SanytskyiPh.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Construction Production, National University “Lviv Polytechnic” (Ukraine)
Viktor SopovPh.D., Professor of the Department of Architecture and Engineering Surveys, Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Serhii TolmachovPh.D., Professor of the Department of Road Construction Materials Technology, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (Ukraine)
Liudmyla TrykozPh.D., Professor of the Department of Building Materials, Structures, and Facilities, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine)
Halyna ShabanovaPh.D., Professor of the Department of Ceramics, Refractories, Glass, and Enamels Technology, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine)


To ensure the timely publication of conference materials, participants must submit their abstracts to the conference secretariat by October 15, 2024. The abstract should be up to 2 pages and provided in LastName.doc and LastName.pdf formats in one of the conference languages (Ukrainian, English).

Text materials should be prepared and printed using MS Word for Windows text editors. The font size should be 14 pt, the typeface Times New Roman, line spacing 1, paragraph indentation 7 mm, and formulas should be typed using the built-in equation editor. Margins should be 20 mm on all sides.

Authors are responsible for the content of the abstracts.


UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) should be typed in uppercase and bold.

Title of the abstract should be in uppercase and bold (in the original language and English).

Authors (academic degree, initials, last name), bold and italicized (in the original language and English).

Institution name where the author works (city), italicized (in the original language and English).

Text of the abstract or report.

References list, font size 10 pt, typeface Times New Roman, no indentation.

10th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Reliability and durability of railway transport engineering structures and buildings”