Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport continues to develop cooperation with Polish partners
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport continues to develop cooperation with Polish partners
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport continues to develop cooperation with Polish partners. Together with the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Panchenko Vladyslav Vadymovych, we visited the Uniwersytet Radomski im. Kazimierza PułaskiegoFaculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and ZAKŁADY AUTOMATYKI KOMBUD S. A. We discussed the development of partnership and further prospects. The plans include updating the content of educational programmes, internships for students and staff, updating the laboratory facilities of UkrDUZT, joint educational and research projects. We are confident that soon the student and educational community of UkrSUZT will fully experience the effect of their implementation. Despite all the obstacles, the University continues its steady progress!
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