In order to further develop the automated design of roads and the implementation of the software package CREDO in the educational process on the basis of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport held a seminar and workshops:
The development of transport infrastructure and European integration are the main and constant priorities of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. Further development and deepening of relations between Ukraine and the EU, carried out on the principles of political association and economic integration, will contribute to the implementation of better European standards in the field of infrastructure.
Modern computer-aided design, modern technologies and methods of finding routes, based on the use of GIS technologies, allow professionals to solve current problems in the formation of digital terrain models for the construction of master plans for transport infrastructure and evaluate design decisions.
The current task of engineering research is the processing of satellite and ground measurements of different accuracy classes, the results of tacheometric images in the selected coordinate system, taking into account the models of geoids.
The geodetic programs of the CREDO complex allow to fully automate the process of processing field materials and to obtain a digital model of the engineering area, which is the main for the implementation of design work in the field of construction.
The unified logic and interconnection of CREDO programs help to build an effective production and technological scheme from the preparation of initial data to the transfer of design solutions to the construction site, including for 3D-systems of automated control of road construction machines.
In order to further develop the automated design of roads and the implementation of the software package CREDO in the educational process on the basis of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport held a seminar and workshops:
September 26, 2018. “Geoinformation and computer-innovative technologies of design, construction, operation of roads in the system of software complex CREDO”.
15.11.2018 – scientific-practical seminar and master class “Modern computer-innovative technologies of design, construction, operation of roads”.
The main speakers – the general designer of JV “CREDO-DIALOGUE” Ph.D. Assoc. Gennady Viktorovich Velychko and the representative of JV “CREDO-DIALOGUE” in Ukraine Ph.D. Associate Professor Pavlenko NV