16 October 2020

Scientific support for the development of roads and integration into the European transport system

Leading specialists of the Department of Surveying and Design of Railways, Geodesy and Land Management (HSV) actively participate in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, which take place in the format of ZOOM Video Communications.

Natalia Ihorivna Sorochuk, Assistant of the Department of VPGZ, in the direction of advanced training, took part in a practical training seminar on the use of PC “Construction Technologies: ESTIMATE 8”, which took place from 12 to 16 October 2020. Within the framework of the seminar, lectures were given by specialists of Derzhdor Research Institute, SPE “BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES”, LLC “Computer Logic Group” and master classes were considered, which relate to both the nuances of budgeting and work in the Program Complex 8 ESTIMATES.

Scientific support for the development of roads and integration into the European transport system

Scientific support for the development of roads and integration into the European transport system

Lecturer of the Department of VPGZ (assistant Sorochuk NI) and students of the scientific circle “Geodesy and design of roads” took part in the scientific-practical conference “SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE TRANSPORT AND TRADE and was timed to the 90th anniversary of the State Enterprise “State Motor Transport Research and Design Institute”. The conference discussed issues of determining current trends and priorities in the development of the transport system of Ukraine.

Scientific support for the development of roads and integration into the European transport system

Scientific support for the development of roads and integration into the European transport system