Employees of the faculty of NNCGO

Kostiantyn Kolesnyk

ESCHE Director, Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor

Kostiantyn Kolesnyk

Candidate of historical sciences (PhD) since 2001. The dissertation was defended in the Specialized Academic Council of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in specialty “History of Ukraine”, Diploma DK No. D012191. By the resolution of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science dd. October 19, 2005, K.E. Kolesnik was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of History and Ukrainian studies. In 2004 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and since 2012 he has been Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Humanitarian Education.
Direction of scientific activity: history of Ukraine in the 1920s, organization of educational work in higher education, modern geopolitics, history of science and technology.
Author of 75 publications, including 29 resource books.

Ponomarenko Vitaliy

Head's assistant Educational and Scientific Center of Humanitarian Education

Ponomarenko Vitaliy

In 2000 Ponomarenko V.E. graduated from  Kharkov State Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda in the specialty “The English language,the Ukrainian language and literature”.

Scope of scientific interests: problems of technical translation

Author of 13 scientific publications and teaching materials. In the framework of scientific and methodological work Ponomarenko V.E. published 9 scientific-methodological and educational-methodical developments and 5 of them were educational and methodical works.

Member of international community TESOL – Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages in Ukraine.