Elena Uzhvieva
Position: Associate Professor
Science degree, academic title: PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1972
PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor since 2015. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council K 26.062.12 in the specialty 05.22.11 – highways and airfields at the National Aviation University. Dissertation topic: “Improvement of the method of substantiation of construction of bypasses of settlements taking into account ecological indicators“. Scientific adviser – doctor of technical sciences, prof. E.B. Ugnenko.
In 2017 she received her second higher education in Geodesy and Land Management at Luhansk National Agrarian University and in the same year passed a six-month advanced training in the field of knowledge 19 “Architecture and Construction” in 193 “Geodesy and Land Management” at Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk.
Scientific activity direction:
improvement of the method of substantiation of construction of bypasses of settlements taking into account ecological indicators; geographic information systems in land management.
Information on advanced training:
Certificate of advanced training 12СС / 055245 in the field of knowledge 19 “Architecture and Construction” in specialty 193 “Geodesy and Land Management” in the disciplines “Cartography”, “Land Management”, “Photogrammetry and remote sensing” at Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk.
Certificate of OFF-LINE training in the courses “Modern automated technologies in the production of engineering and geological works” and “Modern automated technologies for creating topographic plans” from February 1, 2019, the company “CREDO-DIALOGE”, Minsk, Belarus.
of more than 50 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments, including
1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 2 articles in publications included in the international scientific metric databases SCOPUS.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Uzhviyeva OM Improving the method of substantiation of construction of bypasses of settlements taking into account ecological indicators: monograph / Ugnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM – H.: KhNADU, 2014. – 120 p.
- Educational geodetic practice: textbook. manual / Glushchenko VM, Ugnenko EB, Pavlenko NV, Uzhvieva OM, Uzhvieva OM – Kyiv: Condor Publishing House, 2018. – 196 p.
- Uzhviyeva OM Geodetic researches at definition of landslide processes on sites of ways of communication in mountain area: textbook. manual / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM, Uzhvieva OM, Orel EF, Sorochuk NI – Kyiv: Kondor Publishing House, 2019. – 184 p.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Research of traffic modes on roads subject to reconstruction / Uhnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM – Scientific Bulletin of Construction, № 44, – Kharkiv, 2007. – p. 246-248c.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Theoretical problems of reconstruction of highways and improvement of ecological condition of roadside space of settlements / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM – scientific and technical journal, “Roads and road construction”, № 74, – Kyiv, 2008. – p. 325-327.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Improving the design of bypass ring and semi-ring roads / Ugnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM – Scientific Bulletin of Construction, № 55 – Kharkiv, 2009. – p. 113-117
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Designing the route of bypass roads taking into account the economy of material and energy resources / Ugnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM Автомобильный транспорт, № 26, – Харків, 2010, – с. 123-125
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Taking into account the requirements of environmental safety and environmental protection in the reconstruction of roads / Ugnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM Motorway of Ukraine, № 2, – Kyiv, 2010, – p. 43-45
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Influence of road crossings on environmental roadside pollution / Uhnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM Motorway of Ukraine, № 3, – Kyiv, 2010, – p. 46-47.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Determination of bypass radii and deflection angle of bypass roads / Uhnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM – scientific and technical journal “Bulletin of KhNADU”, issue. 49, Kharkiv: KhNADU, 2010. – p.108-111.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN, Timchenko ON Influence of filtration effects of ground and interstratal waters on the stability of slopes / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN, Timchenko ON – Interdepartmental scientific and technical collection “Building Structures”, vol. 75, part 2. – Kyiv-Odessa, 2011. – p. 482-489.
- Ye. Ugnenko, E. Voronova, Е. Uzhvieva, O. Timchenko / Ugnenko Ye., Voronova E., Uzhvieva Е., Timchenko O. 7th International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA May 5-6, 2011, Vilnius, 2011. 89-92
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN. Influence of traffic organization on the release of harmful substances by vehicles / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN. – scientific and technical collection “Problems of urban environment development”, vol. 5-6, Kyiv, 2011. – p. 336-337.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Theoretical problems of reconstruction of highways and improvement of ecological condition of roadside space of settlements / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM – scientific and technical journal, “Roads and road construction”, № 74, – Kyiv, 2011. – p. 125-128.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EM Modern transport management technologies. Transportation optimization./ Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN – Sat. scientific Trudov – Minsk: BNTU, 2012.S. 270-277
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN Influence of the organization of road traffic on the emission of harmful substances by motor vehicles / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN Problems of urban environment development: scientific and technical. collection / – K .: NAU, 2012. – Issue. 7. – p.260–264.
- Е. Uzhvieva Multicriterion estimation of performances of the automobile breaking system / Uzhvieva Е. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA 2013–Vilnius: VGTU. –2013. – Р. 251-253
- Ugnenko, Ye.Voronova, Е. Uzhvieva, V. Gavrish Physical principles of small space settlements roadside area pollution forecasting / Ugnenko E., Voronova Ye., Uzhvieva Е., Gavrish V. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка. Теорія і практика будівництва.» – Львів. – 2013. – c. 304-309
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Probability estimation of road conditions improvement and mathematical models of traffic safety increase / Uhnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM Scientific notes: interuniversity collection. – Lutsk .: LNTU. – 2013. – Vip. 46. – 2014. – p. 546-550.
- Evgeniya Ugnenko, Elena Uzhvieva, Radu Makovyey Features of measurement of harmful vehicle emissions concentrations in the atmosphere of the urban area / Ugnenko Evgeniya, Uzhvieva Elena, Makovyey Radu 17th Conference for Junior Researchers «Science – Future of Lithuania. Transport Engineering and Management». – Vilnius, 2014. – P. 175-177.
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN Methods for determining the average speed of the transport flow taking into account environmental indicators / Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva EN Problems of urban environment development: scientific and technical. collection / – K .: NAU, 2014. – Issue. 11. – p. 404–411
- Ugnenko EB, Uzhvieva OM Calculation of specific levels of payments (ecocompensations) for emissions into the atmosphere of harmful substances by vehicles / Ugnenko EB, Uzhviyeva OM Scientific Bulletin of Construction: Coll. Science. work:. – H .: HDTUBA. –2015 – № 4 (82). – P. 211 – 213.
- Ye. B. Ugnenko, Е. Uzhvieva, Ye. Voronova Simulation of traffic flows on the road network of urban area / Ugnenko Ye. B., Uzhvieva Е., Voronova Ye. Procedia Engineering 134, Transbaltica 2015: proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference, Vilnus Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, – 2016, – Р.153-156
- B. Ugnenko, Еlena Uzhvieva, Rady Makovyey, Virgaudas Puodžiukas Study Of Construction Of Bypass Roads With Consideration Of Environmental And Energy Indicators / Ugnenko Ye. B., Uzhvieva Еlena, Makovyey Rady, Puodžiukas Virgaudas “Environmental Engineering” 10th International Conference Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Lithuania, 27–28 April 2017
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Cartography | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
2 | Engineering Geodesy | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
3 | Geodetic Works in Land Management | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
4 | Topography | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
5 | Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
6 | Remote Sensing Methods of the Earth | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |
7 | Reference Systems of Geodesy | Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre |