Mykola Remarchuk
Position: Professor
Science degree, academic title: D.Sc. (Tech), Professor
Year of birth: 1949
Higher education, graduated in 1976 from the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute, KHADI, (now Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University) with a degree in “Construction and road machinery and equipment”, Kharkiv. Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1985. He defended his dissertation on “Improving the reliability of power hydraulic cylinders of earthmoving machines” in the specialized council at the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute, specialty 05.05.04. – “Road and construction machines”. The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Construction and Road Machines was awarded in 1990. Doctor of Technical Sciences since 2009. He defended his doctoral dissertation on “Energy-saving power transmissions of road construction machines” in the specialized council at the Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University, specialty 05.05.04. – “Machines for earthworks, road and forestry works”.
He worked during 1968 in Ingulets, Dnipropetrovsk region at the enterprise SU-618 “Hydrospetsfundamentbud” as an assistant driver of the excavator of the fourth category, a mechanic for repairing machines. He worked as a garage mechanic in 1969 at the BMU-4 enterprise in Chuguiv, Kharkiv region. He has been working as a design engineer since 1972 at the Kharkiv Plant of Metal Structures. From 1976, after graduating from KHADI, he worked as a senior engineer in the research sector of the Department of Construction and Road Machinery of the same institute, and from 1986 to 2011 he moved to scientific and pedagogical work, first as an assistant, and then as an associate professor and professor. the same educational institution.
Since 2012 he has been working as a professor at the Department of Construction, Track and Loading and Unloading Machines of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.
Scientific activity direction:
Improving the element base of the hydraulic drive; – computer diagnostics of the state of hydraulic systems of machines; – energy recovery in hydraulic systems of machines; – grinding of materials while providing conditions for the hydrodynamic mode of friction in the channels of the mill.
more than 230 scientific works, educational and methodological developments. Obtained 20 patents and copyright certificates.
Awards and diplomas:
For the creation of educational and methodical literature in 2012 in the nomination of the competition “Electronic educational and methodical materials in the educational process” the rector of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport was awarded a Diploma.
Subject to cooperation with the staff of the Department of Systems Engineering and Technology of the forest complex of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. Petro Vasylenko was awarded a Diploma with a gold medal by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine in 2013 for the development of the “Best Product of the Year” in the “Science” nomination.
For his contribution to the development of industrial hydraulics, the Association of Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics awarded the medal. T.M. Towers in 2014, certificate for № 19.
Featured publications:
- Ремарчук М.П. Проектування мобільних гідрофікованих кранів з телескопічною стрілою: Частина 1. Розрахунок механізмів, стійкість, прилади безпеки: навчальний посібник. Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2018. 181 с.
- Remarchuk, M., Zadorozhnyi, A., Chmuzh, J. Methodology for the hydraulic drive design based on the application of the systems analysis. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologie, 2017, 2(7-86), PP 42–50.
- Flow of a Bingham Fluid Through Circular Pipes with Variable Viscosity / Zadorozhnyi, A., Kovrevski, A., Chovnyuk, Y., & Remarchuk, N. Coefficient Along the Pipe Length. International Journal of Engineering & Technology (2018). 7(4.3), 100–104.
- Estimation of the State of Engine of Mobile Machines in the Conditions of Operation on Basis of Onboard Diagnostics / Panchenko, S.V., Remarchuk, M.P., Kebko, O.V., Chmuzh, Ya.V., Zadorozhnyi, A.O. International Scientific Conference Energy Efficiency in Transport (EET 2020) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1021 (2021).
- Correlation of rheological parameters with the flow of non-Newtonian fluids / Zadorozhnyi, A.A., Remarchuk, M.P., Kovrevski, A.P., Chovnyuk, Y.V., Buhaievskyi, S.A. International Scientific Conference Energy Efficiency in Transport (EET 2020) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1021 (2021).
- Methodology for determining the effectiveness of the use of earth-moving machines and their parts in the construction of architectural structures / Mykola Remarchuk, Yaroslav Chmuzh, Andriy Zadorozhnyi, Olexander Kebko. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and PracticalConference “Innovative Technology in Architecture and Design” (ITAD-2021) AIP Conf. Proc. 2490, 040003 (2023)
- Design of hydraulic motors with rotary shaft movement for driving working equipment in modern machines / Nikolaj Remarchuk, Serhii Voronin, Yaroslav Chmuzh, Andrii Yevtushenko, Oleg Halytskyi. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Vol. 4 No. 1 (130) (2024): Engineering technological systems. pp. 79-86.
- Ремарчук М. П. Обґрунтування процесу діагностування землерийних машин і їх складових за величиною загального коефіцієнта корисної дії / М. П. Ремарчук, Я. В. Чмуж, О. В. Кебко // Науковий вісник будівництва. – 2020. – Т. 100, № 2. – С. 275-281.
- Ремарчук М. П. Теоретичне обгрунтування ефективності машин для земляних робіт за даними їх технічних параметрів / М.П. Ремарчук, О.В. Кебко, О.О. Галицький // Комунальне господарство міст. Серія : Технічні науки та архітектура. – 2022. – Т. 4, № 171. – С. 18-24.
- Ремарчук М. П. Методика формування загонів машин для земляних робіт на прикладі застосування навантажувачів / М. П. Ремарчук, Я. В. Чмуж, О. О. Галицький, О. В. Кебко, Р. Є. Соболєв // Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. – 2022. – Випуск 201. – С. 6-14.
- Ремарчук М. П. Визначення стану кранових механізмів для підйому вантажу за даними їх технічних параметрів / М. П. Ремарчук, О. В. Кебко, О. О. Галицький, В. П. Рассоха // Комунальне господарство міст. Серія : Технічні науки та архітектура. – 2022. – Т. 6, № 173. – С. 9-15.
- Аналіз досліджень з отримання наночастинок вуглецю та їхнього застосування в трибологічних системах / С. В. Воронін, М. П. Ремарчук, О. О. Суранов, О. В. Суранов, А. О. Бабенко // Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. – 2023. – Випуск 206. – С. 7-24.