Nadia Murygina
Position: Laboratory Head, Assistant
Science degree, academic title:
Year of birth: 1976
In 2000, graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and received the qualification of economist-manager. In 2015, received her second degree at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport and received the qualification of railway construction engineer, specializing in “Railway structures and track management”.
Scientific activity direction:
Increasing the resource and durability of the bridge web of railway bridges.
Author of 18 scientific works and teaching materials. of which 3 is in periodicals indexed by Scopus.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Штомпель А.М. Нормативна база для призначення ремонтів колії на залізницях України/ Штомпель А.М.,Малішевська А.С., Муригіна Н.О.//Almanahul Sworld – Выпуск 2, апрель 2019. С. 25-30. DOI:10.30888/2663-5720.2019-02-01-002.
- Скорик О.О., Експериментальне визначення приведеної маси колії /Скорик О.О., Лейбук Я.С., Муригіна Н.О.,Звєрєва А.С.// Зб. наук. праць Дніпровського нац. ун-ту залізнич. трансп.- Мости та тунелі: теорія, дослідження,практика, 2019, №15.-с. 41-46.
- Вітольберг, В. Г. Аналіз експлуатаційної стійкості рейок на лініях Харківського метрополітену / В. Г. Вітольберг, Д. О. Потапов, А. С. Малішевська, Н. О. Муригіна // Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ. – 2019. – Вип. 184. – С. 102-107.
- A A Shevchenko, O O Matviienko, V A Lyuty, V G Manuylenko N A Murygina Digital models and the effect of error when shooting terrain for high-speed traffic(article) Web of Science, Scopus IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/708/1/012028.
- Bugaec N.V. Shevchenko A. A. MuryginaN.A. Shevchenko O.S Development of a mathematical model of joint work of the way and rolling stock in the zone of rail joints Proceedings of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference International Trends in Science and Technology Vol.1, December 28, 2019, Warsaw, Poland. (ISBN 978-83-955313-8-5). P. 30-38.
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Track facilities | Railway Structures and Track Facilities |
2 | Organization of repair and maintenance work in the minds of shared resources | Railway Structures and Track Facilities |
3 | Track facilities (special course) | Railway Structures and Track Facilities |