Science degree, academic title: PhD, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1974
In 2000, graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport majoring in Railway Construction and Track Facilities.
PhD in Engineering Science since 2006. She defended her PhD thesis at the specialized scientific board D 64.820.02 in specialty 05.23.01 – Building Constructions, Buildings and Structures. The subject of the thesis was “Stress-strain state of steel-concrete frameworks of industrial buildings”. Her research advisor was Dr.Sc., Professor E. Chykhladze.
Scientific activity direction:
optimal design of steel-concrete constructions, fiber concrete.
33 scientific publications and teaching materials.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
Чихладзе Э.Д., Ватуля Г.Л., Китов Ю.П. Основы расчета и проектирования комбинированных и сталебетонных конструкций / под ред Э.Д. Чихладзе. Киев: Транспорт Украины, 2006. 104 с.
Дериземля С.В., Ватуля Г.Л., Орел Е.Ф., Опанасенко Е.В. Оптимизация конструкции балочных систем при постоянной и временной нагрузке / ІII Міжнародна конференція «Експлуатація та реконструкція будівель і споруд» – Тези доповідей. – Одеса: ОДАБА, 2019.–С.57.